Local Authority Active Travel Strategies

Transport Scotland provide direct funding local authorities (LAs) each year through the Cycling Walking Safer Routes grant to deliver active travel infrastructure. In 2022-23, the grant was £35 million and shared pro-rata amongst all 32 LAs. 

LAs are also encouraged to bid for funding through other Transport Scotland programmes, most notably the Places for Everyone infrastructure fund where LAs consider their active travel strategies and priorities to bid for funding to design and deliver more ambitious and far reaching schemes to encourage and support sustainable travel choices.

LAs are encouraged to develop their own local active travel strategies to articulate their own ambitions for active travel in their respective areas and to demonstrate alignment of their strategic aims with the Active Travel Outcomes Framework and the corresponding 2030 Active Travel Vision.

Below is a list of the current active travel strategies that we are aware of and links to these. Please contact the relevant local authority directly if you have any query regarding these.