Draft Orders and Environmental Statement - Dalwhinnie to Crubenmore - A9 Dualling

The draft Orders and Environmental Statement for the Dalwhinnie to Crubenmore section of the A9 Dualling programme were published on 19 December 2017. The Statutory Consultation Period closes on 13 February 2018.

Representations to the draft Orders, including objections, can be made in writing to Transport Scotland, by 13 February 2018 at the latest, to the following address: Director of Major Transport Infrastructure Projects Transport Scotland Buchanan House 58 Port Dundas Road Glasgow G4 0HF or by email to: a9dualling@transport.gov.scot. Objections should state the name and address of the objector, the Order to which they related and the grounds on which they were made.


Draft orders


Environmental Statement

Published Date 19 Dec 2017 Type Projects Mode of transport