Senior Management Team Meeting - Minutes - 29 November 2023



  • Gary Cox (GC) – Interim Director


  • Bettina Sizeland (BS) – Director


  • Kerry Twyman (KT) – Director (Chair)
  • Andy Pope (AP) – Head of Corporate Governance
  • Steven Wyllie (SW) – Corporate Governance Manager


  • Roddy Macdonald (RM) - Director


  • Susan Cameron (SC)

Major Projects

  • Lawrence Shackman (LS) - Director


  • Bill Reeve (BR) – Director


  • Hugh Gillies (HG) - Director


  • Anne Martin (AM)


  • Lesley MacLeod (LM)

CEO Office

  • Mark Dunlop
  • Pam Yorke


Alison Irvine, Interim Chief Executive

Fiona Brown, Interim Director of TSA

Morna Cannon, Interim Director of LCE


KT Welcomed Lesley Macleod Non-Executive Director to her first Corporate TS SMT.


She advised that there had been an improvement in the RDEL position. However, there may be an impact following Storm Babet.

The UK Government announcement would also have an impact on budget and public spending.

KT reminded everyone that all spend above £100k requires an AO template unless agreed as contractual spend.

KT provided a high level update on the finance paper which had been circulated on the forecast outturn of expenditure against budget for 2023-24 as at 31 October 2023. The report highlighted the variances from prior month and the key financial risks and opportunities for the remainder of the year.


AP went over risk with the SMT. He advised HG that there were two roads risks that required updating. HG advised he was reviewing. These would be looked at in more detail at the NXD Audit and Risk meeting in January.

AP reminded everyone that the issues log is a useful supporting document and to make sure everyone regularly updates this.

It was agreed that Corporate Risk 16 ‘Sponsored Bodies Management’ should be removed with the Financial Support of Sponsored Bodies to be included within Corporate 7 – Budget and further consideration given at the next Risk Management Group on any remaining Sponsored Body Risks at the Corporate Level..


SW advised that TS continued their record of 100% FOIs on time for November and that the reports are now circulated around the Business Managers.

If anyone is having issues with FOI clearance from the SG to make SW or Lorna Clark aware.

2024-25 Business Planning Process

SW explained the new plan which would operate from next year. This will link into the Directorate Risk Register. He advised that the monthly report must be completed as this links into the integrated reporting for the Minister.

The Performance monitoring report will still be issued until the end of the financial year. AM asked SMT to make sure the wording for the commitments is accurate as these are used for the mandate letters. 

Data Protection Compliance Report

SW asked the SMT if they had any objections to the recommendations in the report. There were no objections.


There was no other business. The next meeting will be on 23 January 2024.

Published Date 29 Nov 2023 Type Topic