1809 Publications

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SQUIRE performance report - Period five 2024/25 - ScotRail

12 Sep 2024

SQUIRE reports provide a general overview of rail performance for stations and trains against a set of standards.

SQUIRE performance report - Period five 2024/25 - Caledonian Sleeper

12 Sep 2024

Cowal and Rosneath Community Needs Assessment

11 Sep 2024

This Report considers the ferry service provision for the Cowal (Dunoon) and Rosneath (Kilcreggan) peninsulas from Gourock.

Final Business and Regulatory Impact Assessment - 2024 - The Local Services Franchises (Traffic Commissioner Notices and Panels) (Scotland) Regulations 2024

5 Sep 2024

This BRIA assesses the specific provisions in the Local Services Franchises (Traffic Commissioner Notices and Panels) (Scotland) Regulations 2024 and will also consider any potential impacts these regulations would have on the Office of the Traffic Commissioner and its business.

Initial responses - Consultation on the Islands Connectivity Plan: Strategic Approach & Vessels and Ports Plan

3 Sep 2024

Key findings and initial responses to public consultation and community engagement, on various islands, to the Islands Connectivity Plan draft Strategic Approach paper and updated Vessels and Ports Plan.

Analysis report - Consultation on the Islands Connectivity Plan: Strategic Approach & Vessels and Ports Plan

3 Sep 2024

This independent report summarises responses to public consultation and community engagement, on various islands, to the Islands Connectivity Plan draft Strategic Approach paper and updated Vessels and Ports Plan.

Summary report - Consultation on the Islands Connectivity Plan: Strategic Approach & Vessels and Ports Plan

3 Sep 2024

This report summarises responses to public consultation and community engagement, on various islands, to the Islands Connectivity Plan draft Strategic Approach paper and updated Vessels and Ports Plan.

Safe System Training and Capacity Building

29 Aug 2024

This report provides an independent process evaluation of the 'Building Capacity in the Safe System' project, conducted by Agilysis and commissioned by Transport Scotland.

Smart, Digital, Integrated Ticketing and Payments - Delivery Strategy 2024

21 Aug 2024

A refreshed delivery strategy has been informed by a smart and integrated ticketing survey we held in 2023 and on-going engagement with the industry and stakeholders.

Smart and Integrated Ticketing in Scotland - Analysis of the results of the 2023 survey

21 Aug 2024

This survey was designed to understand opportunities to enhance smart and integrated ticketing, and journey-planning services in Scotland.

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