Behaviour change

Creating a culture of Active Travel

The evidence is clear that infrastructure alone will not increase the numbers of people walking, wheeling, and cycling.  People must also be supported to choose and use infrastructure, and this is why Transport Scotland has a dedicated programme focused on active travel behaviour change.

We are investing in activity that gives people the knowledge, skills and confidence to use our growing infrastructure network. These interventions support people to walk, wheel and cycle more often.

Walking, wheeling and cycling deliver positive health and economic benefits, reduce air and noise pollution and decrease traffic congestion.

People and Place Programme

As part of our major change programme for Active Travel delivery, we have introduced a new, regional model for behaviour change delivery. From 2024/25 funding is provided directly to the seven Regional Transport Partnerships (RTPs). The RTPs will work directly with their relevant Local Authorities (LAs) to identify and agree the priorities in their area, and to build capacity at a local level.

Driven by local active travel strategies and regional transport plans, the People and Place (P&P) programme replaces the previous direct funding from Scottish Government to individual delivery partners and organisations.

The new programme establishes a closer working relationship between Scottish Government and its LA and RTP partners, and will deliver a range of interventions to help make active travel more accessible and appealing to more people for their everyday journeys.

Regional Transport Partnerships

Outcomes and themes

To maximise the return on investment we want to ensure alignment with our strategic aims and objectives, as set out in the National Transport Strategy 2, the Active Travel Outcomes Framework and the First Minister’s . With this in mind the Programme is structured across four themes:

Schools and Young People

  • Interventions in and around schools that deliver holistic solutions for creating an environment where active travel choices are not only an option, but the most desirable way to travel for young people and families.


  • Interventions that focus on places of work (including larger employers and trip generators) and which make active travel choices a realistic option for commuting.

Accessibility and Inclusion

  • Interventions that improve and promote accessibility and inclusion and create opportunities for everyone to be able to make the choice to travel actively.

Capacity and Capability Building

  • Interventions that build the delivery capacity and capability of the active travel sector (including RTPs, LAs, and third sector delivery partners).

Other funding opportunities

Local Authority Direct Award (LADA)

The LADA is provided directly to all 32 LAs on a pro-rata basis. The funding can be used to support sustainable and active travel behaviour change initiatives including:

  • LA Active Travel Officers
  • Community Active Travel Projects
  • Maintenance of existing cycling infrastructure
  • Development of active travel strategies and plans
  • Installation of supporting infrastructure such as bike stands and secure storage
  • Installation of school streets to tackle air pollution and congestion

For more information contact 

Community Projects Transition Fund (CPTF)

The CPTF has been established for 2024/25 to replace the Smarter Choices Smarter Places (SCSP) Open Fund, and provide access to funding for community-led projects. 

Led by a partnership between Paths for All and Tactran, the CPTF ensures continued support for community-led projects. Throughout 2024/25 work is taking place to develop RTP capacity to oversee delivery of these projects from 2025/26 onwards.

Find out more at the Paths for All website


Bikeability is the national cycle training programme for school children. It is delivered by Cycling Scotland in partnership with LAs and supports the next generation of confident and responsible cyclists.

The initiative builds the skills and confidence children need to cycle on the road from childhood into adulthood. Bikeability Scotland offers a comprehensive training programme that covers everything from pre-ride safety checks and road signals to hazard awareness and bike checks.

Find out more at the Cycling Scotland website