Distance travelled

Distance travelled

All journeys

Disabled adults had a shorter average (median) journey (3.2 km), than those who were not (4.5 km). [Figure 14]

Those disabled people whose ability to carry out day-to-day activities was reduced a lot had a shorter median journey (2.9 km) than those whose ability to carry out activities was reduced a little (3.5 km). [Figure 14]

Figure 14: Average (median) journey length, by whether adult is disabled and whether their condition limits the ability to carry out day-to-day tasks, 2015-2019 (combined)
Figures described in the surrounding text

When only people not employed and aged under 60 are considered, journeys are slightly shorter for disabled people than for non-disabled people (2.4 km compared to 2.8 km), Those whose condition affected day-to-day activities a lot travelled least far, at 2.2km. [Figure 15]

Figure 15: Average (median) journey length for adults not employed (either full- or part- time) and aged under 60, by whether adult is disabled and whether their condition limits their ability to carry out day-to-day tasks, 2015-2019 (combined)
Figures described in the surrounding text

Journey to work

Median distance to work was lower for disabled than non-disabled people (6.7 km and 7.7 km respectively). [Figure 16]

Figure 16: Average (median) length of journey to work, by whether adult is disabled and whether their condition limits their ability to carry out day-to-day tasks, 2015-2019 (combined)
Figures described in the surrounding text

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