14 Pollution Incident Control and Response Planning
14 Pollution Incident Control and Response Planning
14.1.1 To carry out the works in such a way as to avoid pollution incidents; however should any occur, procedures and measures will be implemented to contain, limit and mitigate the effects as far as reasonably practicable.
14.2 Pollution Incident Response Plan
14.2.1 As explained in Section 1.7 of this CoCP, the contractor’s EMP will include a Pollution Incident Response Plan which will include details of controls to be adopted to manage the risk of pollution incidents and procedures to be followed in the event of any pollution incidents.
14.2.2 The Pollution Incident Response Plan will include the following, as appropriate:
- Reference to the management plans for other construction activities insofar as they are relevant for the purposes of mitigating against pollution incidents.
- Procedures to be adopted to contain, limit and mitigate any adverse effects, as far as reasonably practicable, in the event of a pollution incident.
- Details of spill clean-up companies appropriate to deal with pollution incidents associated with the materials being used or stored on site.
- Procedures to be followed and appropriate information to be provided in the event of any incident such as a spillage or release of a potentially hazardous material.
- Procedures for notifying appropriate emergency services, authorities the Employer’s Representative and personnel on the construction site.
- Procedures for notifying relevant statutory bodies, environmental regulatory bodies, local authorities and local water and sewer providers of pollution incidents, where required.
- Procedures for notifying persons or owners and occupiers of property affected by any pollution incident as soon as possible after the incident occurring, including notification of the actions which will be, or are being taken, to address the effects of the incident.
- Maps showing the locations, together with address and contact details, of local emergency services facilities such as police stations, fire authorities, medical facilities and other relevant authorities.
- Contact details for the persons responsible on the construction site and within the contractor’s organistion for pollution incident response.
14.2.3 The Pollution Incident Response Plan will also be prepared in accordance with PPG 21 Pollution Incident Response Planning.
14.2.4 The contractor will consult with relevant organisations including emergency services, statutory bodies, environmental regulatory authorities, local authorities, local water and sewer providers and the Health and Safety Executive regarding development of the Pollution Incident Response Plan.
14.3 Pollution Prevention Measures
14.3.1 The contractor will implement appropriate measures to limit, as far as reasonably practicable, the risk of pollution due to construction works and materials. Such measures will be set out in the subsidiary management plans required by this CoCP for other construction activities, including the:
- Area Management Plan;
- Noise and Vibration Management Plan;
- Dust and Air Pollution Management Plan;
- Geology, Land Contamination and Waste Management Plan; and
- Surface and Ground Water Management Plan.
14.3.2 Pollution Prevention Guidelines are referred to in other sections of this CoCP. In particular, the contractor will note and comply with the guidelines contained in:
- PPG 18: Managing fire water and major spillages;
- PPG 22: Dealing with spillages on highways; and
- PPG 26: Storage and handling of drums and intermediate bulk containers.
14.3.3 The contractor will be responsible for compliance with the Environmental Liability (Scotland) Regulations 2009 regarding any imminent threat of environmental damage (as defined in the regulations), and will take appropriate actions that may be necessary as a consequence of construction works, as required by the regulations.
14.4.1 The contractor will investigate and provide reports on any pollution incidents to the Employer’s Representative, including, as appropriate:
- A description of the pollution incident.
- Contributory causes.
- Adverse effects.
- Measures implemented to mitigate adverse effects.
- Effectiveness of measures implemented to prevent pollution incidents.
14.4.2 The contractor will undertake appropriate monitoring of the procedures and measures set out in the management plans for construction activities required by this CoCP to prevent pollution incidents to ensure they are being adequately implemented.
14.4.3 The contractor will monitor the effectiveness of the procedures and measures implemented to prevent pollution incidents and the effectiveness of the response procedures set out in the Pollution Incident Response Plan to identify any areas where improvement is required to comply with the requirements of this CoCP.
- Control of Pollution Act 1974
- Environmental Liability (Scotland) Regulations 2009
- Environmental Protection Act 1990, as amended
- Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974
- Pollution Prevention and Control Act 1999
- Pollution Prevention and Control (Scotland) Regulations 2000, as amended
- PPG 18: Managing fire water and major spillages, Scottish Environment Protection Agency
- PPG 21: Pollution Incident Response Planning, Scottish Environment Protection Agency
- PPG 22: Dealing with spillages on highways, Scottish Environment Protection Agency
- PPG 26: Storage and handling of drums and intermediate bulk containers, Scottish Environment Protection Agency
- The Water Environment (Controlled Activities) (Scotland) Regulations 2005
- The Water Environment (Controlled Activities) (Scotland) Regulations 2005: A Practical Guide, Scottish Environment Protection Agency
- Water Environment and Water Services (Scotland) Act 2003