7 Consultations
You can see other consultations on the Scottish Government Consultation Hub.
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Environmental Report - Islands Connectivity Plan - Strategic Environmental Assessment
14 Feb 2025An independent review of the Islands Connectivity Plan Strategic Approach paper and Vessels and Ports Plan has been carried out as per section 16(2) of the Environmental Assessment (Scotland) Act 2005. The Scottish Government, through Transport Scotland, is now consulting on the Environmental Report.
Electric Vehicle Public Charging Network Implementation Plan
16 Dec 2024The draft Implementation Plan outlines the key actions that will deliver Scotland's Vision for public electric vehicle (EV) charging.
National Speed Management Review Consultation
27 Nov 2024National Speed Management Review - Public Consultation
Consultation on the draft second Strategic Transport Projects Review (STPR2) for Scotland
20 Jan 2022 / ClosedThe review will inform Scottish Ministers decisions on transport investment in Scotland for the next 20 years (2022-2042)
Consultation on the 20% Reduction in Car Km Route Map
13 Jan 2022 / ClosedThe Scottish Government and COSLA are inviting responses to this consultation by 6 April 2022.
Scotland's Low Emission Zones: Consultation on Regulations and Guidance
13 Dec 2019 / ClosedThis consultation on Scotland’s Low Emission Zones: Consultation on Regulations and Guidance gives us an opportunity to seek your opinions on issues that underpin the operation and delivery of Low Emission Zones (LEZs), including the substantive issues of emission standards, exemptions and penalty charges.
Building Scotland’s Low Emission Zones
6 Sep 2017 / ClosedWe have progressively reduced air pollution in Scotland over recent years, but poor air quality remains an issue at a number of hotspots in our towns and cities