A737: safety inspections and defect reports: EIR release

'Under the general requirements of the Freedom of Information, I would be grateful if you would provide the following information in relation to the A737 and in particular the section on approach to Clerksbridge roundabout from Beith. I would like this information to consider Scotland Transerv's safety inspections and road classifications in relation to the sections detailed in the "well maintained Highways – Code of Practice" with focus on the legal frame work and inspection assessment recording as detailed contained in Part C section 8 and 9, please provide the following information.

1. Dates of all safety inspections undertaken on the carriageway in the two years prior to the 28th January 2018.

2. Details of all carriageway defects identified during safety inspections in the two years prior to the 28th January 2018.

3. Details of how carriageway safety inspections are undertaken, including whether walked or driven, the speed of the inspection vehicle and the number of persons in the vehicle.

4. The intended frequency of carriageway safety inspections.

5. Details of all complaints and/or enquiries relating to the carriageway, received in the two years prior to the 28th January 2018.

6. The hierarchy classification.

7. The road/section number.

8. The defect intervention criteria adopted in relation to the identification of all categories of carriageway potholes (in other words, this means how they define a pothole as requiring attention).

9. The time period(s) adopted between identification and repair (temporary and permanent) of all categories of carriageway defects.

10. Whether or not the authority has formally adopted all or part of the standards contained within the national code of practice for highways maintenance management.

11. Date on which this defect was repaired after the 28th January 2018.'

Full response and associated documentation available at:

Published Date 16 Jul 2018 Subject Mode of transport