A77 cycleway road safety audits and inspection reports - EIR release

Follow up to previous FOI/17/02299

Point 3 – can you please provide a copy of the Stage 2 Road Safety Audit, clarify when this was undertaken, and advise what actions were taken to address any recommendations therein. Can you advise if subsequent Stage 3 and Stage 4 audits, as described in DMRB, were undertaken and if so please provide copies of these audits. If Stage 3 and 4 audits where not undertaken can you explain why. Can you also advise why the DMRB audit process was followed as opposed to the audit process described in Transport Scotland's "Cycle by Design" guidance.

Point 5 – can you please provide copies of the 4 inspection reports that you mention including details of works undertaken to rectify defects highlighted therein.

Full response and associated documentation available at: