A9 Speed cameras: EIR release

  • How many average speed cameras are on the A9?
  • How many average speed cameras are on theA9 between Perth and Inverness?
  • Of these cameras, on average, how many of them are switched off? Please provide an annual break down forevery year since the cameras were installed, including 2017 so far.
  • Why are speed cameras switched off?
  • How much money has been saved, if any, each year (including 2017 so far) by switching off speed cameras?
  • How much money has been spent each year (including 2017 so far) on running the cameras on the A9? Please include running costs, maintence, issuing fines etc.
  • How much has been earned each year (including 2017 so far) through fines issued from the A9 speed cameras?"

Full response and associated documentation available at:

Published Date 30 Nov 2017 Subject Mode of transport