Aberdeen Western Peripheral Route, Compulsory Purchase Orders and compensation payments: EIR release

“With specific reference to whole Aberdeen Western Peripheral Route and all of the land affected by this whole project, I am aware from a previous FOI request (Your ref: - FoI/19/00275) that, to date, Transport Scotland have received 98 land owner applications to the Lands Tribunal for Scotland under the Land Compensation Act 1963 in relation to the A90 Aberdeen Western Peripheral Route.
In addition to this information, I wish to know the following for the AWPR route:-

1) How many landowners in total have been affected by the construction of AWPR i.e. how many landowners have been involved with Compulsory Purchase Orders and with Compensation payments requiring the services of a District Valuer.

2) How many of the 98 Land Tribunal cases relate directly to valuations carried out by one specific District Valuer, Mr. Scott Beveridge. ”

Full response and associated documentation available at: