Call logs relating to cones on A1 carriageway: EIR release

  1. Any records, reports, call logs or documented information relating to any calls of cones being in the middle of the A1 carriageway on 9th January 2017.
  2. Any records or reports documenting the Police/Traffic Scotland attending this call on 9th January 2017.
  3. Any records, calls or reports documenting the date and time you contacted Amey Highways Ltd to notify them of the cones.
  4. Any records, reports, call logs or documented information stating when Amey Highways Ltd contacted you to advise that this had been rectified and the road was now re-opened.
  5. Any records, reports, call logs or documented information stating when Amy Highways Ltd contacted you to advise they had closed the road and were rectifying the matter.
  6. Any records, reports, call logs or documented information documenting contact with Amey Highways Ltd in relation to this matter.

Full response and associated documentation available at:

Published Date 21 Dec 2017 Subject Mode of transport