Information relating to Voted Loans: EIR release

Information requested

Information in relation to the Voted Loans and their repayment, in particular but not confined to Ships 801/802, Hamnavoe, Hjalthand, Hrossey, Hildasay, and Helliar.


1. What total amount of Voted Loans was outstanding in 2018, 2019, and 2020?
2. What loans are still unpaid and for what vessels?
3. When is each loan expected to be paid in full?
4. What interest rates apply and are the rates firm or fixed and if so, fixed to what?
5. Referring to ‘Scottish Transport Statistics’, are the loans paid out of the amounts given under the ’Subsidy’ columns? If not where can the amounts and repayments be found? If so is it accurate to find the true level of the Operating Subsidy rather than the funding arrangements by subtracting the outstanding Voted Loan amounts from the ’Subsidy’?
6. What are the predicted amounts of outstanding loans for 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024, and 2025?
7. What is the likely Voted Loan for the New Islay Ferry, the interest rate, and the expected repayment period?
8. For each loan, what interest accrued and how was it funded and repaid?

Full response and associated documentation available at:

Published Date 22 Sep 2021 Subject Mode of transport