Non-fuel subsidy and fuel payment anticipated: FOI release

"Provide the following in relation to the contract extension to the Gourock to Dunoon PSC, July 2017 to March 2018.

1. The initial non-fuel subsidy payment anticipated when the extension was signed and the outrun figure as at 31st March 2018.

2. Information held by Transport Scotland explaining any difference between the two figures in question 1.

3. The initial fuel cost anticipated when the extension was signed and the outrun figure as at 31st March 2018.

4. Information held by TS in respect to s5.9 of the PSC during the contract extension period.

5. Information held by TS in respect to Part 7 of the PSC during the contract extension period

Full response and associated documentation available at:

Published Date 13 Jul 2018 Subject Mode of transport