Planning application for stadium development at West Kingfords: FOI review

I am aware that you are consultee for the proposed stadium development at West Kingfords on the A944 outside Aberdeen and close to Westhill. I understand that no response has yet been submitted by Transport Scotland.

Please indicate if you will be responding to the planning application.

If you are to respond please provide details of the expected date of your response and provide details of this response where possible.

If you are not responding please detail why this is the case and what consultations you have taken to ensure that there is no impact on the operation of the AWPR.

Please also provide details of all correspondence between Transport Scotland and Aberdeen City Council in relation to this application. Please also provide details of all correspondence between Transport Scotland and Aberdeen Football Club and their representatives relating to this application.

You requested a review for the following reason:

I believe that the public interest test is best served by transparency in the communications of Transport Scotland and the related communication with Aberdeen City Council and Aberdeen Football Club. My enquiry requires that communication between Transport Scotland, AFC and representatives be made available.

Full response and associated documentation available at: