Potholes reported and average repair time: EIR release

1. How many reports of potholes or road surface defects were made to Transport Scotland by members of the public in 2014, 2015, 2016 and 2017? (Please specify if the data is for potholes only or all road surface defects)

2. How many reports of potholes or road surface defects were made to Transport Scotland by members of the public BY MONTH in the years 01 April 2016-31 March 2017; 1 April 2017-31 March 2018? (Please specify if the data is for potholes only or all road surface defects)

3. What was the average time (calendar days) to repair reported potholes in 2014, 2015, 2016 and 2017?"

We clarified with you on 26 June that we would be unable to provide data on whether a defect was a pothole or a surface defect and whether those defects were reported by a member of the public or discovered on routine inspections due to the request being manifestly unreasonable. You responded on 26 June that a report on defects discovered per month would be suitable.

Full response and associated documentation available at:

Published Date 3 Aug 2018 Subject Mode of transport