Signed agreements with Caledonian Maritime Assets and Calmac Ferries: FOI review

Information requested

Your request, reference 202100228098

A copy of the signed agreement(s) between Scottish Government (or Transport Scotland) and consultant(s) for the review of the tripartite agreement between Transport Scotland, CMAL and Calmac Ferries. If not included within the contract, please supply the contract value and the scope of the work, including any limitations.

Your review request, reference 202100236582

The response to my FOI request isn't satisfactory so I am requesting that you carry out an internal review.

The reasons are:

  1. The information provided is incomplete.
  2. The exemptions claimed do not apply.
  3. The use of exemptions has not been properly explained as required by FOISA.
  4. The public interest test has not been properly carried out.
  5. The public interest favours disclosure. 

Full response and associated documentation available at:

Published Date 4 Nov 2021 Subject Mode of transport