A82 Pulpit Rock construction continues (2)
Construction work which will require a series of overnight closures on the £9.2m A82 Pulpit Rock Improvement scheme will begin on Friday 9 August at 2200hrs.
Contractor McLaughlin & Harvey will carry out work which includes piling works along the existing road that are required to support the main structure. Earthworks will also be commencing which, when complete, will enable the sharp bend in the existing road to be smoothed out.
Although there will be no significant changes to the landscape, road users will notice works to upper slopes above the existing road and a gradual widening of the existing road.
For the safety of road users and road workers, the A82 will close at Pulpit Rock, south of Ardlui, at 2200hrs each night and scheduled to open each day at 0600hrs each morning. The road will be scheduled to open fully at 0600hrs on Friday 20 September.
The A82 will remain open on either side of the closure. Diversion routes for through traffic are:
- northbound via the A83 at Tarbet, A819 and A85
- southbound via the A85 at Tyndrum, A819 and A83.
A Transport Scotland spokesperson said:
“These works play an essential part in providing free-flowing traffic, removing congestion from this part of the A82 and opening the road for other users, including cyclists.
“The revised closures, welcomed by stakeholders, have been scheduled to minimise impact on local communities, businesses and visitors to this part of the county.”
Drivers are advised to check www.trafficscotland.org for further information about these works and for real-time journey planning advice.
For more information - http://www.transportscotland.gov.uk/road/projects/A82-Improvements/A82-Pulpit-Rock
- Information including dates for future overnight closures and the full closure will begin to be publicised in advance as far as possible, using the Transport Scotland website, Traffic Scotland, variable message signs and newspaper adverts.
- The proposed dates for the night time closures are:
- 2 weeks in October 2013 & 1 week in November 2013
- Less than 1 week in March 2014
- 1 week in April 2014 & 1 week in May 2014
- A full closure of less than 1 week in January 2014
- There may be opportunities for “wave-throughs” during the overnight closures in October/November to permit traffic to pass and this will be confirmed nearer the time.
The £9.2m contract for construction was awarded to McLaughlin & Harvey in February 2013.