A9 Dualling Pass of Birnam to Tay Crossing event
Residents of Dunkeld and Birnam and users of the A9 can for the next two days see first-hand the work that has taken place since the co-creative process identified a community option last summer for the Pass of Birnam to Tay Crossing dualling scheme.
As part of the scoping work undertaken following the co-creative process, the various elements of the community option have been examined in consultation with local residents and key stakeholders.
As a result of this scoping work and following consultation with key stakeholders and some local residents, a number of alternatives have been developed that will now be included, along with the community’s option, in the next stage of the assessment process to identify a preferred route.
Cabinet Secretary for Transport, Infrastructure and Connectivity Michael Matheson said:
“I welcome the co-creative process that took place last year for the challenging section of the A9 to be dualled between Pass of Birnam and Tay Crossing. This collaborative process helped us form a good working relationship with the local community and broaden the vision for dualling this section of the A9.
“Having identified a community option last summer, Transport Scotland has since then been undertaking further scoping work on the route selected by the community. We value the open and transparent relationship that was built with the community during that process and we now want to share the early findings of that further work with them.
“As the community was advised throughout the co-creative process, Transport Scotland will now be carrying out an assessment on a range of options including the community option to identify a preferred route.
“We are required to consider options to ensure the final preferred route option is robust enough to withstand scrutiny as it goes through the required statutory process.
“I would encourage members of the local community, road users and anyone else with an interest in this scheme, to come along to one of the events in Birnam today or tomorrow and give us their views on the options being presented. All the feedback received will then inform the next stage of the design and assessment process as we look to identify a preferred option later this year.”
Details of the community engagement events:
Tuesday 26 and Wednesday 27 March 2019
11 am – 9 pm
Birnam Arts and Conference Centre
Station Rd
Dunkeld PH8 0DS