A96 Dualling (Hardmuir to Fochabers) public exhibitions
Following initial options assessment for the A96 dualling scheme between Hardmuir and Fochabers , no further design work is to take place in the vicinity of the Pluscarden Valley near Elgin.
Initial design and assessment work showed that options in the Pluscarden area did not perform well in terms of traffic and these have now been ruled out.
Locals and road users can view the remaining 34 combinations of options to be taken forward for further design and assessment at a series of public exhibitions starting today in Elgin.
Cabinet Secretary for Economy, Jobs and Fair Work Keith Brown said:
“The Scottish Government has given a clear commitment to dual the A96 which will see delivery of around 88 miles of upgraded road between Inverness and Aberdeen, a huge task but one we are committed to delivering.
“Dualling the A96 requires careful, in-depth planning and design so that we deliver the right scheme and help tackle congestion, make journey times more reliable and, crucially, improve road safety.
“Last year we awarded the up to £50 million design contract for the 28 mile section between Hardmuir and Fochabers, and in October 2016 we held “Meet the team” events as an opportunity for locals and road users to hear first-hand from the people designing the route.
“The initial route option development and early assessment work is now complete and we now want to hear the views of locals and road users on the options being considered for the route. This initial work has made clear that options through Pluscarden Valley do not perform as well as other options so have been ruled out at this early stage in the process.
“I would encourage anyone with an interest in this scheme to visit one of the exhibitions this week and give us their views.
“As we now move to identify a preferred route option next year, further public consultations will be undertaken as part of our rolling programme of engagement to ensure that communities, businesses and individuals affected by the work are kept fully informed and their vital feedback taken into account.”