Bidders welcomed for A737 Dalry Bypass
The notice, which outlines construction costs in the range of £34m to £38m, invites prospective bidders to formally apply to participate in the procurement for the construction of the new bypass. The bidders, which best meet the criteria successfully, will be invited to tender for the project.
The A737 Dalry Bypass involves the construction of a new bypass and associated junctions to the east of Dalry. The new bypass will connect with the existing A737 trunk road.
Transport Minister, Derek Mackay, said:
“This notice marks an important milestone for the Dalry Bypass because it ensures that this critical infrastructure project remains on schedule to start construction during the coming financial year 2016/17.
“The new road will be a key driver in improving economic and employment opportunities in the area by providing better journey time reliability and enhancing connectivity. It will also enhance safety by separating local road users from longer distance, strategic traffic.”
The construction of the A737 Dalry Bypass will mostly take place away from the existing road.
The notice can be viewed on the Public Contracts Scotland website at
Further information on the A737 can be found on the Transport Scotland website: