Drivers support A9 safety measures despite breaking speed limits
Over half of people interviewed for a survey carried out by the A9 Safety Group admitted speeding. A fifth indicated that they had travelled at 15 miles an hour or more above the speed limit and more than a third had driven at 10 miles or more above the limit either “occasionally” or “frequently”.
When asked if they had any other comments on measures they felt would improve safety on the A9, dualling the road, increasing Police enforcement, using average speed cameras and raising the HGV speed limit were the four most common responses.
Transport Minister Keith Brown said:
“This survey is an important part of our work to improve safety on the A9 ahead of dualling. It indicates that we are heading in the right direction with our plans which focus on engineering, engineering and enforcement.
“We have committed to dualling the A9 by 2025 and the meantime we will continue to work with partners such as Police Scotland and the Safety Camera partnerships to make a positive difference for A9 road users.
“The recently approved proposals to raise the HGV speed limit will bring operational and journey time benefits for users and the average speed cameras will ensure that people drive within the legal limits.
“The A9 Safety Group is clear that average speed cameras are effective in saving lives and this is backed up by the facts. Before and after studies of other average speed camera sites in the UK show a reduction in accidents. On average, they achieved a 61 per cent reduction in fatal and serious accidents. Average speed cameras encourage drivers to improve their behaviour and we are already seeing this on the A9 where the number of people speeding is falling.
“The user survey’s will be repeated next year, after the average speed cameras and 50 mph HGV speed limit pilot have been operational for 6 months, meeting our commitment to continue to evaluate the effectiveness of our actions and use evidence to inform our decision making.”
- The full survey is available at -
- All of the drivers interviewed had driven on the A9 in the preceding 24 hours.
- The surveys were undertaken before the deployment of average speed cameras started on the Perth to Inverness section of the route.
The latest information on the A9 Safety Group is available at
Contact: Karen MacKinnon 0141 272 7138