Bus projects across Scotland will be able to apply for up to £500,000 over two years from the Transport Scotland challenge fund.
The Fund was set up to encourage partnership working to help improve bus services, standards and infrastructure for communities across Scotland.
Last year thirteen bus projects throughout Scotland received grants under the first round of the (BIF) totalling £4.2m. Projects ranged from the rollout of Real Time Passenger Information in West Lothian, improved infrastructure such as new travel hubs in Aberdeenshire and the development of new community transport services such as Rural Transport Solutions in Dumfries & Galloway.
Transport Minister Keith Brown said:
“We set up the Bus Investment Fund in April last year to encourage and support partnership working to improve bus services for communities across Scotland, for example by improving infrastructure or raising quality.
“We were pleasantly surprised to receive 45 bids for a wide range of projects and were also encouraged to see the ambition, diversity and geographical spread of ideas.
“Following the interest shown in the first round of the Fund and the range of proposals, I am pleased to announce further funding in a bid to increase the standard of bus services and patronage across Scotland.”
For further information on the Bus Investment Fund visit Transport Scotland
The Bus Investment Fund (BIF) was set up in 2013 providing three years of funding at £3 million per year for a rolling programme of projects. The challenge fund is open to applications from public transport authorities working in partnership with operators, community transport, NHS, and other public or private sector partners.
Forty-five bids were received in total from a range of companies and organisations and 13 were recommended for the 2013 round. Grants were limited to £1m per project spread over up to three years.
This year the fund will invite bids of up to £500,000 over two years from bus projects across Scotland. More details can be found on the Transport Scotland website.
Contact Caroline Trainer at Press Transport Scotland on 0141 272 7195