Haudagain Construction Timetable Revealed - And All Play At Middlefield As ‘Green Lung’ Plans Unveiled
Construction work at the longstanding traffic bottleneck at the Haudagain roundabout, which will start following completion of the Aberdeen Western Peripheral Route/Balmedie-Tipperty scheme, is expected to last for around two years, Transport Minister Derek Mackay announced today.
In addition, plans for the construction of the new dual carriageway link road are also set to deliver new ‘green lung’ public spaces including two new play parks for Middlefield residents.
The public will be able to view plans at exhibitions being held today and tomorrow (1 and 2 July) in Aberdeen.
Mr Mackay said:
“Our commitment to improving transport infrastructure across the north east has been steadfast, with construction of the AWPR now well and truly under way and expected to finish by winter 2017 - investment worth nearly three quarters of a billion pounds which will bring enormous economic benefits as well as tackle congestion around Scotland’s oil and gas capital. Construction work to remove the bottleneck at Inveramsay bridge on the A96 is also progressing well, £170 million of improvements to the Aberdeen-Inverness rail line is coming down the line, and work to dual the entire A96 is moving ahead - all good news for transport in the north east.
“We have also been steadfast in our commitment to improve traffic at the Haudagain roundabout to provide much needed relief to drivers and communities in the area. Having let local communities view and comment on the scheme’s preferred route last year, draft road orders for the scheme are now published. This will ensure we are ready to hit the ground running and start work at Haudagain once the AWPR is complete, with construction at Haudagain expected to take around two years.
“Enhanced community spaces are also important for the health and wellbeing of local communities, so we are proposing a ‘green lung’ area for people living in Middlefield. The new combined open space areas will provide two new play parks for locals, landscaped tree planting and paths to link up the existing and proposed Manor Avenue. We will work closely with Aberdeen City Council to ensure that the new open space areas meet the needs of locals.
“Today’s news will I’m sure be met with jubilation and relief in equal measure by road users across the region – with work on Haudagain now in sight, the kind of congestion seen daily at Haudagain will before long be a thing of the past.”
Precise construction programming details for Haudagain Improvements will be known once contractors have been appointed to construct the project.
An audio clip from Mr Mackay for meduia use is available here – https://audioboom.com/TransportScotland
Details of the public exhibitions: Wednesday 1 July 2015 12 noon – 7 pm & Thursday 2 July 2015 10 am – 6 pm, Lord Provost Henry E Rae Community Centre, Manor Avenue, Aberdeen AB16 7UR.
The statutory six-week period for objections or representations to the draft Orders and Environmental Statement for the scheme ends on 7 August 2015.
More information on the Haudagain Improvement scheme can be found at: http://www.transportscotland.gov.uk/project/a90a96-haudagain-improvement