Improving accessible travel
A new Accessible Travel Framework Delivery Plan that sets out key priorities for the future of accessible travel in Scotland has been published by Transport Scotland.
This delivery plan lays out key priorities and activities that will be the central focus up to 2026 when the Accessible Travel Framework is due to come to a close. The priorities outlined in the delivery plan will have the greatest positive impact for Scotland’s disabled people by making transport options more accessible and inclusive, whilst making journeys easier, safer and more affordable. They also include plans for replacing the Accessible Travel Framework.
Building on existing knowledge, conclusions from an Evaluation Report produced by Disability Equality Scotland and from ongoing engagement with stakeholders, this Delivery Plan ensures the improvement of deliverables and the monitoring of the impact of the Accessible Travel Framework overall. This leads to new approaches that will encompass all current and future Transport Scotland led (and Scottish Government where applicable) project work on accessible travel.
Cabinet Secretary, Fiona Hyslop said:
“I am pleased to announce that the new Accessible Travel Framework Delivery Plan has been published.
“Ensuring transport methods are accessible and inclusive is vital in supporting Scotland’s population and this is why they are at the heart of our National Transport Strategy and play a pivotal role in our new Delivery Plan.
“Transport enables us to access a wide range of services, that are key to our everyday lives and by making access to these easier, is vital in supporting our population and communities throughout Scotland.
“By taking this approach, this allows us to map out the next two years and beyond, to have a greater positive impact and by establishing what will succeed the Framework, ensures that progress will continue towards more accessible travel choices for the people of Scotland.”
Lyn Pornaro, CEO of Disability Equality Scotland said:
“On behalf of our members, we welcome the publication of the new Accessible Travel Framework Delivery Plan. We are especially pleased to see the inclusion of some recommendations put forward in our review of the Framework, published in 2023. These recommendations were gathered from the view of disabled people across Scotland.
“Disabled people continue to be excluded and isolated due to barriers to travel and the inaccessibility of many vehicles, infrastructures and behaviours. We have an excellent opportunity to make a difference now and in the future by not only decarbonising our transport systems but by making them accessible and inclusive at the same time.
“Regardless of where disabled people live – remote, rural, urban or city – we have the right to the same opportunities to travel as non-disabled people.
“We look forward to continuing our work alongside the Cabinet Secretary and Transport Scotland to bring this delivery plan into tangible changes for disabled people and to establish what comes next.”
Linda Bamford, Convenor, Mobility and Access Committee for Scotland said
“We welcome Transport Scotland reaching out to MACS for advice and guidance on developing the Accessible Travel Framework Delivery Plan, which takes us to 2026.
“These engagements helped ensure the voices and needs of disabled people were central in prioritising actions over the next 2 years. Our public transport system needs to be Available, Accessible and Affordable to enable disabled people to travel safely and with the same freedom, choice and independence as non disabled people.
“We feel this Delivery Plan will lay a solid foundation for “what comes next” as the 10 year framework comes to an end.
“Disabled people still face too many barriers and too high a cost when travelling. We thank Transport Scotland for acknowledging the work that still needs done to “reduce the mobility gap”, for their appetite to work with us and we look forward to continuing to collaborate to deliver a transport system that works for everyone and leaves no one behind.”