Minister announces further funding for Scotland’s bus services
Thirteen projects, including interchange hubs and community transport, will receive grants under the second round of Transport Scotland’s Bus Investment Fund (BIF).
The BIF encourages partnership working to help improve bus services, standards and infrastructure for communities across Scotland.
The successful projects include:
A93 Mini-interchange Hubs - Aberdeenshire
Tagsa Uibhist Community Services - Comhairle nan Eilean Siar
Clyde Gateway Sustainable Transport – Glasgow/South Lanarkshire
Glenkens Transport Initiative – Dumfries & Galloway
Ulva Ferry Community Transport – Argyll & Bute (Mull)
Badenoch & Strathspey Integrated Transport – Highlands
iTravel Project – Highlands & Islands
Loch Lomond Bike Bus – Argyll & Bute & Highland Council
Coach Service 918 Enhancement – Oban + Fort William
nSGH Bus Route Improvements – Glasgow
Urban Freedom Health Cycle – Moray
Regional RTPI Bus Fit-Out – Fife, West Lothian, Falkirk
Digital Live Information Displays in Public & Private Sector Premises – SEStran
Transport Minister Keith Brown said:
“I was delighted by the level of interest shown in this year’s Bus Investment Fund and would like to congratulate all the successful applicants who have secured substantial funding.
“This fund supports community groups, authorities and operators across the country, helping to improve the standard of bus services, increasing patronage thereby achieving greater modal shift.
“The Scottish Government is committed to improving bus services in Scotland and that is why we have provided a further round of funding under the Bus Investment Fund.”
James Stockan, HITRANS Chair welcomed the news of their successful application:
“HITRANS are delighted that the iTravel project has been awarded grant funding from the Scottish Government’s Bus Investment Fund. This project will see HITRANS and its five partner local authorities sharing resources to improve the quality of public transport information at bus stops and transport interchanges across the Highlands and Islands.
“Currently even many of our busiest stops don’t have reliable up to date timetable information which is vital for those who rely on public transport and essential if we are to encourage more locals and tourists alike to use these services in the future.”
The Bus Investment Fund (BIF) was set up in 2013 as a new challenge fund open to applications from public transport authorities working in partnership with operators, community transport, NHS, and other public or private sector partners.
Twenty six bids were received in total from a range of companies and organisations and 13 were recommended for the 2014 round. Grants are limited to £500,000 per project spread over two years.
The projects proposed to be offered a grant are:
1. A93 Mini-Interchange Hubs – Aberdeenshire
Will develop mini interchange hubs on the A947 corridor as part of a long term aim to develop a network of mini interchange hubs across Aberdeenshire along mainline ‘commuter’ corridors to and from Aberdeen City. BIF money will be used to build these interchange hubs.
BIF contribution: £450,000
Total Project Cost: £577,000
2. Tagsa Uibhist Community Services - Comhairle nan Eilean Siar
This project will see the extension & improvement of the dial-a-bus service already in service. The purchase of two new vehicles will allow for a more effective service. Working closely with Local Authority & Health Service to provide integration.
BIF contribution: £73,213.28
Total Project Cost: £93,213.28
3. Clyde Gateway Sustainable Transport – Glasgow/South Lanarkshire
This project builds on the Commonwealth Games Legacy project creating a new route which ties into local services and improves bus connectivity.
BIF contribution: £245,000
Total Project Cost: £245,000
4. Glenkens Transport Initiative – Dumfries & Galloway
This project will enhance an existing community transport organisation through the provision of an additional vehicle, DATS trainer/MIDAS training and increased administrative input.
BIF contribution: £71,125
Total Project Cost: £74,650
5. Ulva Ferry Community Transport – Argyll & Bute (Mull)
This project will enhance an existing community transport organisation through the provision of an additional vehicle which will fill a gap in transport provision and also meet new demand from a new pontoon development in Ulva Ferry.
BIF contribution: £53,949
Total Project Cost: £78,276
6. Badenoch & Strathspey Integrated Transport – Highlands
This will develop a pilot project linking the needs of the NHS and Badenoch & Strathspey Community Transport Company. Improves access to services for elderly and vulnerable members of the community
BIF contribution: £220,000
Total Project Cost: £440,000
7. iTravel Project – Highlands & Islands
This project will support investment in information and infrastructure (including real time passenger information) improving the promotion, quality and reliability of public transport across the Highlands & Islands.
BIF contribution: £300,000
Total Project Cost: £535,000
8. Loch Lomond Bike Bus – Argyll & Bute & Highland Council
This project will support a pilot bike bus service providing links to and within the Loch Lomond and Trossachs National Park, filling gaps in provision and improving access to the area.
BIF contribution: £71,000
Total Project Cost: £72,500
9. Coach Service 918 Enhancement – Oban + Fort William
This project will support an extension to a service, creating a seven day a week service in the region. Connects with other services.
BIF contribution: £56,000
Total Project Cost: £101,840
10. nSGH Bus Route Improvements – Glasgow
This project will complement the redevelopment of the new South Glasgow Hospitals Campus. Introduces improvements along the route of the main interconnecting residential east-west bus route in the south of the city.
BIF contribution: £500,000
Total Project Cost: £1,250,000
11. Urban Freedom Health Cycle
This project will enhance the bus service and cycle access across the Moray seaboard communities and to support enhanced service provision including NHS benefits.
BIF contribution: £140,000
Total Project Cost: £213,000
12. Regional RTPI Bus Fit-Out – Fife, West Lothian, Falkirk
This project will enhance the existing BusTracker system already in place and kit out an additional 60 buses within the SEStran area including Fife, West Lothian and Falkirk along with 2 depot hardware systems.
BIF contribution: £500,000
Total Project Cost: £500,000
13. Digital Live Information Displays in Public & Private Sector Premises - SEStrans
This project will enhance the use of Real Time Information using an internet based signing solution. This includes the installation of 250 digital signs to be installed across all 8 of the SEStran partner authority area.
BIF contribution: £500,000
Total Project Cost: £500,000
Caroline Trainer at Press Transport Scotland on 0141 272 7195 or 07837 062 787