National Smart Ticketing Advisory Board
The National Smart Ticketing Advisory Board (NSTAB) has met for the first time to discuss the future of smart integrated ticketing.
The Board, comprising of 14 members from operators, Local Authorities, Regional Transport Partnerships, passenger representatives and technical experts, aims to improve consistency and interoperability between operators. This will support improvements for smart integrated ticketing and help to make public transport easier to use.
The Scottish Government’s vision is that all journeys on Scotland’s bus, rail, ferry, subway and tram can be made using some form of smart ticketing or payment. The NSTAB was established as part of the Transport (Scotland) Act 2019 and is a 2023/24 Programme for Government commitment.
Minister for Transport, Fiona Hyslop said:
“This pioneering board represents a significant step for public transport in Scotland and a first for the UK. It brings together key partners who will work collaboratively to provide trusted, high-quality advice on how to propel Scotland to be a leader in smart ticketing.
“Modernising transport is crucial in driving forward a greener, fairer Scotland, enhancing equality, increasing opportunity, and supporting communities. And great progress has already taken place, with contactless payment available on almost all buses thanks to the Scottish Government’s £1.1 million Smart Pay Grant Fund, and interoperable smartcards able to be used across different operators.
“I’m really looking forward to seeing what more can be achieved as we work together to deliver for passengers and help to make public transport the mode of choice for travel in Scotland, contributing to a healthier, fairer, more prosperous, and greener Scotland.”