One hundred and ninety one people killed in road accidents in 2016

Final statistics for 2016 confirm that one hundred and ninety one people were killed in reported road accidents in Scotland in 2016, 14 per cent more than in 2015.

Transport Scotland statisticians today released final figures for road casualties reported to the police in Scotland in 2016. The figures show the total number of casualties fell by one per cent between 2015 and 2016 from 10,973 to 10,901, the lowest number since records began. As well as the increase in fatalities between 2015 and 2016, the number of people seriously injured also increased by six per cent to 1,697.

The figures also show that, in 2016, there were 1,000 child casualties in reported road accidents, an increase of 4 per cent since 2015. This included twelve fatalities, 8 more than 2015, and 167 children who were seriously injured, up from 139 in 2015.

There were three more pedal cyclists killed than in 2015 and 12 less pedestrian fatalities. There were also three more motorcyclists killed and thirty one more car user fatalities.

2016 saw a nineteen per cent increase in car users seriously injured and motorcyclist seriously injured increased by 4 per cent. However, there was a 7 per cent reduction in pedestrians seriously injured, a 10 per cent decrease in pedal cyclists seriously injured and bus casualties seriously injured decreased from 49 to 42 between 2015 and 2016.

These statistics provide updates on progress against Scotland’s road safety targets as set out in the Scottish Road Safety Framework. Compared to the 2004-2008 baseline, in 2016 there were:

  • 191 fatalities, a reduction of 35 per cent (2015 milestone - 30% reduction; 2020 target - 40% reduction).
  • 1,697 serious injuries, a reduction of 35 per cent (2015 milestone - 43% reduction; 2020 target - 55% reduction).
  • an average of eight children killed over the last three years, a reduction of 48 per cent (2015 milestone - 35% reduction; 2020 target - 50% reduction).
  • 167 children seriously injured, a reduction of 49% (2015 milestone - 50% reduction; 2020 target - 65% reduction).

The figures released today were produced by independent statistical staff free from any political interference, in accordance with professional standards set out in the Code of Practice for Official Statistics.

The full statistical publication is available on the Transport Scotland website:

Published 11 Oct 2017