Queensferry Crossing briefing for media
The latest update on construction will be given in a presentation by David Climie, Project Director for Transport Scotland and Michael Martin, Project Director from the Forth Crossing Bridge Constructors consortium.
They will also cover milestones reached during the past 12 months and a look ahead to what is expected in the coming year.
Both Mr Climie and Mr Martin will be available for interview and pictures will issued later in the day.
Should you wish to attend the event it would be helpful if you confirm your attendance by Monday January 25 using the contact details below.
Date: January 26, 2016
Time: 10:30 to 12:00 hours
Venue: FRC Contact and Education Centre, South Queensferry EH30 9SF (adjacent to Forth Road Bridge Administration Building).
Contact: Mark Dunlop : 07920 595 449 : 01383 421 397 : Mark.Dunlop@transportscotland.gsi.gov.uk