Scottish Rail Holdings appoint new Board member

The Minister for Transport has announced the appointment of a new Non-Executive Director to the Board of Scottish Rail Holdings Limited, the Scottish Government company that owns ScotRail and Caledonian Sleeper.

Brian Baverstock has accepted an offer for the post of Non-Executive Director and will take up post from 1 August.

Brian is a qualified accountant with significant experience in leadership roles (executive and non-executive) with a successful track record in driving strategic change and delivering improved services and efficiencies through partnership and collaborative working.

Brian is an independent consultant, specialising in the provision of governance and risk management training, support and advice to mainly public bodies and charities across the UK and Ireland. 

Brian has previously worked across the public and private sector including executive level posts within the Scottish Government and the Scottish Funding Council.

Other Ministerial Appointments

Mr Baverstock holds Ministerial appointments on the Boards of the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service and the Scottish Legal Aid Board.

Political Activity

All appointments are made on merit and political activity plays no part in the selection process. However, in accordance with the Scottish Government’s the ethical standards framework, there is a requirement for appointees’ political activity within the last five years (if there is any to be declared) to be made public. Mr Baverstock has not had any political activity in the last five years.


This appointment is part-time and attracts the following remuneration:

  • Up to 25 days per year, £360 per day

Minister for Transport Fiona Hyslop said:

"I am pleased to welcome Brian Baverstock to the Board of Scottish Rail Holdings. This appointment strengthens the Board as Brian brings a wealth of experience in his field.

“I look forward to him sharing his skills, knowledge, and expertise as we seek to deliver our ambitions for our publicly owned train operators.”


Published 28 Jul 2023 Tags