The shortlisted bidders for the five mile long scheme are:
- BAM Nuttall/John Sisk
- Farrans Construction/Roadbridge
- Morrison Construction
- Wills Bros/John Paul Construction.
Work on this improvement scheme - underway earlier than planned following anticipated savings from the Queensferry Crossing - is the first in the Scottish Government’s £3 billion A9 dualling programme.
Transport Minister Keith Brown said:
“Today’s announcement is a reflection of the Scottish Government’s ambitious programme of investment and commitment to dual the A9 from Perth to Inverness by 2025 and I welcome the interest shown by construction companies who are keen to secure the contract.
“Work to progress the dualling of the A9 is gathering momentum as we move another step closer to appointing the contractor who we expect to put the first spade in the ground next summer, some six months earlier than originally planned.
“This contract, along with the two of the three multi-million pound design contracts for the route and work to address safety issues, will continue to drive forward improvements to Scotland’s longest trunk road. This will deliver benefits for road users and local communities alike, while supporting businesses, communities and tourism throughout Scotland by improving access to and from the Highlands.”
The Kincraig to Dalraddy scheme will involve the widening of the existing 5 mile stretch of single carriageway between Kincraig and Dalraddy to full dual carriageway, providing overtaking opportunities in both directions, cutting the number of vehicle convoys and reducing driver frustration.
The contract is expected to be awarded in Summer 2015.
For more details of the A9 Dualling programme visit: