The Met Office has issued an Amber warning for Highlands and Eilean Siar with prolonged and heavy rain expected during Sunday and Monday. The Met Office also advise the public should be prepared for disruption due to flooding.
The worst of the conditions are expected across Lochaber and through the Great Glen.
Transport Scotland and our partners, including local authorities, SEPA and Police Scotland are closely monitoring the situation to make sure that all of the necessary preparations are being made for the conditions.
Our Operating Companies stand ready to respond to incidents on the trunk roads if required and we are in contact with travel operators including ferry companies.
A Transport Scotland spokesman said:
“The Met Office has issued an amber alert warning of heavy rain which runs from early tomorrow morning through until around midnight on Monday.
“This may lead to disruption on local roads and to ferry services. With the conditions we can also expect to see flooding in areas and road users should be prepared before they set off on their journeys. While we will do everything we can to mitigate the impacts, people travelling should be prepared and plan their journeys accordingly.
"A great deal of work has been undertaken to make sure that Scotland is prepared for any likely transport disruption, and we will continue to monitor events through our national control centre.
“Before heading out, we ask the public consider the conditions and listen to radio reports, visit the Traffic Scotland website or twitter feed, and consult their local travel operators.”
The Scottish Government’s Ready for Winter campaign, delivered in partnership with the British Red Cross, provides the public with a range of advice and information on preparing for winter weather. Further information is available at
For real time journey information visit, follow @trafficscotland on Twitter or call 0800 028 14 14.
The full Alerts, including the Chief Forecaster's Assessment and a map showing the areas included in the Alerts, are available at
Rail, ferries and air users should check with individual service operators’ websites.
For more advice and guidance: or via Floodline 0845 9881188.