Bulletin - February 2024 - Active Travel Transformation


This note provides Local Authorities, Regional Transport Partnerships, National Park Authorities and national delivery partners with an update on a number of changes being taken forward through Active Travel transformation.

This bulletin focuses primarily on providing further detail on the People and Place programme, and also provides an update on the Active Travel Infrastructure Fund. 


The first bulletin set out the intention to implement a major change programme for the delivery of both behaviour change and infrastructure programmes for Active Travel.

The infrastructure programme builds on the approach introduced through the Transformation Fund 2023/24, and applications to the Infrastructure Fund 2024/25 are now being assessed. The parallel improvements to the behaviour change programme are focussed on improving how interventions are delivered, and building greater coherence with infrastructure interventions, to result in more people choosing walking, wheeling and cycling for everyday journeys. Developments in this area are set out below. 

Behaviour Change Delivery Model

With the introduction of the Verity House Agreement, and the move to increased funding and control toward LAs, it is important we take steps to increase the capacity and capability in LAs to ensure conditions are right for the benefits of future Active Travel investment to be realised. The long-term success of Active Travel depends on a closer relationship between infrastructure delivery and behaviour change activities.

Local Authority Direct Award

In our January bulletin, we advised of our proposal to provide a Local Authority Direct Award for 2024-25, as part of the transition from the Smarter Choices Smarter Places (SCSP) Local Authority Fund. Aligning with the Verity House Agreement, our intention (to be confirmed through the internal Scottish Government budget scrutiny process) is to rebadge the Direct Resource Grant and provide a Local Authority Direct Award by the same mechanism. 

This will be supported by 6 and 9 month reporting, supplemented by discussions with the Transport Scotland Active Travel Team.

Similar to the SCSP Local Authority Fund, funding through the LA Direct Award will be available to support sustainable and active travel behaviour change initiatives, including resource funding for the maintenance of existing infrastructure. At their core, roles or interventions provided for by the Fund should support the promotion or continued provision of active and sustainable modes of transport. Examples of the types of activities that may be supported include: 

  • Maps, apps, real time passenger information and guides;
    • Roles to support work with schools, businesses and local communities;
  • Community and workplace active travel challenges;
  • Walking and cycling festivals; and
  • Support for community sustainable travel projects and services.

In order to help inform the development of this Fund, and secure its formal approval, we would like to hear from Local Authorities in regards the roles or projects they would like to support with this funding. To this end, it would be appreciated if outline information could be provided to David Kernohan by 1 March: please email: david.kernohan@transport.gov.scot.

While we are unable to confirm funding levels until the Scottish Budget scrutiny and approvals process has completed, it is intended to use a similar approach to calculating allocations as has been used for the SCSP Local Authority Fund and the 2022-23 Direct Resource Grant.

RTP Community Projects Transition Fund

Transport Scotland is now in advanced discussions with Paths for All and Tactran (operating on behalf of all Regional Transport Partnerships) on the details of a proposed new RTP Community Projects Transition Fund (CPTF).

The CPTF will align with the key themes of the People and Place programme, and serve as transitional funding following the closure of the SCSP Open Fund. It will operate in a similar way as the SCSP Open Fund, albeit it will be open to bids from community and third sector groups only.

The Fund will also enable knowledge-sharing and capacity building in the RTPs that will allow support for community-level projects to be smoothly folded in to their main People and Place programmes from 2025/26.

Subject to the Scottish Government Budget for 2024-25 passing through Parliament, and Transport Scotland’s budget governance processes, the CPTF will aim to invite and assess bids in March / April, and for funding to be awarded by the beginning of May.

Active Travel Infrastructure Fund – Applications for 2024-25

The 2024-25 Active Travel Infrastructure Fund (ATIF) builds on the 2023-24 Active Travel Transformation Fund, and is available to Local Authorities, Regional Transport Partnerships, and National Park Authorities to support delivery of eligible construction-ready Active Travel schemes in 2024-25.

The applications window to the ATIF closed on 2 February, and thanks to all those who made a submission to the Fund. Almost 70 applications have been received with a funding request of nearly £60m. Applications are now being assessed for construction-ready projects. The timescales for the assessment and Fund are as follows:

  • Assessment of applications and follow up with a view to complete the assessment – mid-March to end-March;
  • Provide grant offer letter - early April; and 
  • Construction funding from April 2024 to March 2025 (annual budget).

Ministerial Reshuffle

Following a reshuffle on 8 February, Transport has become a standalone portfolio at Cabinet level, with Ms Hyslop as Cabinet Secretary for Transport (Ms Hyslop will be Cabinet Secretary-designate until her appointment is formally agreed to by Parliament and approved by His Majesty King Charles III). Màiri McAllan has been confirmed as Cabinet Secretary for Wellbeing Economy, Net Zero and Energy.

Mr Harvie remains Minister for Zero Carbon Buildings, Active Travel and Tenants’ Rights.

Future updates

We intend to provide the next bulletin on Active Travel transformation in the coming weeks. All proposed funding is subject to the Scottish Government Budget for 2024-25 passing through parliament and Transport Scotland’s budget governance process. The Stage 3 Debate on the budget will take place on 27 February. 

Active Travel Team,Transport Scotland 
23 February 2024

Published date 23 Feb 2024 Topic