A7 Auchenrivock improvement
What's involved?
Upgrade of 2.3 kilometres of single carriageway road to improve overtaking opportunities on the A7 Auchenrivock route, south of Langholm.
Project benefits
The scheme is needed to:
- Improve the operational performance level service and safety on the A7
- Improve and increase the number of overtaking opportunities
- Incorporate the needs of cyclist and pedestrians
- Maintain the asset value of the A7
- Mitigate environmental impacts of works
- Achieve good value for money
These details are available from the programme document
Impact on travel
The scheme will be built off-line which will limit the impact on the local traffic. There shall be only minor disruption to traffic at the time the tie-ins are undertaken
Traffic management
- Traffic Management requirements shall be minimal
- It is predicted there will only be the need to restrict flow of traffic when the tie-ins are undertaken
Proposed route
The scheme for the preferred alignment went to tender in autumn 2007 and the contract was awarded to Morrison Construction in January 2008.
Environmental impact
Environmental surveys have identified that there is a badger set and otter activity in the vicinity of the site which were dealt with in accordance with environmental legislation.
Appropriate environmental mitigation is in place to deal with the impact of the proposed construction.