A720 Sheriffhall Roundabout
The Scottish Government is committed to taking forward the design and construction of a new grade separated junction on the A720 Edinburgh City Bypass at Sheriffhall, as part of its £300m commitment to the Edinburgh and South East Scotland City Region Deal.
The existing Sheriffhall roundabout is located in the south-east of Edinburgh and is the only at-grade junction on the A720 Edinburgh City Bypass. The need for grade-separation at Sheriffhall roundabout was initially identified in the Strategic Transport Projects Review (STPR) in 2008.
The preferred option for the scheme was identified in 2017 and has been subject to detailed development and assessment since this date. Extensive consultation with active travel stakeholders regarding provision for non-motorised users (NMUs), including cyclists, has been undertaken to ensure provision for all users is incorporated in the proposed scheme.
The development and assessment of the preferred option has now been completed with draft Orders and Environmental Statement for the scheme published on 5 December 2019 for formal comment.
Draft Orders and Environmental Statement
We published Draft Orders and an Environmental Statement for the proposed scheme on 5 December 2019 for formal comment. The draft Orders include:
- The A720 (Sheriffhall Roundabout) Special Road Scheme 201[ ]
- The A720 Special Road (Sheriffhall Roundabout) (Side Roads) Order 201[ ]
- The A720 Special Road (Sheriffhall Roundabout) Compulsory Purchase Order 201[ ].
The Statutory Consultation Period closed on 31 January 2020. Transport Scotland is currently considering the representations received.
Public exhibitions were held on 18 and 19 December 2019 to allow local communities and road users to view proposals for this busy junction.
DMRB Stage 1 Assessment
The Design Manual for Roads and Bridges (DMRB) Stage 1 design Assessment began in June 2013. Transport Scotland appointed Consulting Engineers, AECOM to undertake the design and assessment work.
The principal aim of Stage 1 was to identify a range of grade separation improvement options. The study examined traffic flows and considered how a new grade separated junction would interact with the adjacent A720 junctions.
Eight junction options were reviewed in accordance with the Stage 1 Assessment processes, namely:
- Option 1 – Dumbbell Grade Separation at Sheriffhall
- Option 2 – All slips provided at Gilmerton, no connection at Sheriffhall
- Option 3 – Squareabout at Gilmerton, A7 bridged over A720
- Option 4 – Collector Distributor, No Connection at Sheriffhall
- Option 5 – Combined Gilmerton and Sheriffhall Junction
- Option 6 – Grade Separated Roundabout at Sheriffhall
- Option 7 – Dumbbell Grade Separation at Sheriffhall, Gilmerton Slips closed
- Option 8 – Dumbbell Grade Separation West of Sheriffhall, Gilmerton Slips closed
Stage 1 is complete and concluded that Options 1, 2, 6 and 8 be taken forward for further assessment at Stage 2.
DMRB Stage 2 Assessment
- Stage 2 (options assessment) involved:
- traffic surveys
- traffic modelling including accounting for future transport growth
- ground condition studies
- environmental consideration
A further sifting exercise undertaken during Stage 2 removed option 2.
For simplicity the remaining options 1, 6 and 8 were re-named A, B and C respectively and these emerging options were presented at the Public exhibition in December 2016 (see below).
The Stage 2 assessment is now complete and has identified that Option B is the preferred option. This option is being taken forward to the more detailed assessment during DMRB Stage 3.
DMRB Stage 3 Assessment
The Stage 3 assessment which reports on the development and assessment of the preferred option is now complete.
Public exhibition
A public exhibition was held in December 2016 to present the various options under consideration to the local community and provide an opportunity for vital feedback. You can view the leaflets, drawings and exhibition boards below.