A737 The Den realignment
What is involved in the project
The project involved the construction of a new offline section of single carriageway, over a length of approximately 1km. The project removed the existing substandard bends on the existing A737 and introduced safety benefits.
Project Benefits
The improvement bypasses a series of sub-standard bends, improves traffic flow and introduces road safety benefits.
These details are available from the programme document.
Impact during construction
Engaging with local communities is at the heart of all of Transport Scotland’s major construction projects and will continue to be vital as work progresses on constructing the A737 Den Realignment.
The Contractor has a Community Liaison Officer (CLO) who is committed to keeping the local community informed as the project progresses. Please contact the CLO for any enquiries relating to the construction of this project:
Community Liaison Officer
Telephone: 0800 917 6796
Email: info.theden@interserve.com
Impact on travel
The majority of the work is remote from the existing carriageway, however some delays to the travelling public should be expected during construction operations where temporary traffic management will be in place.
What will the environmental impact be
An environmental impact assessment was undertaken and the Environmental statement was published along with the draft Statutory Order material.
View project documents, including exhibition materials, Road Orders and the Environmental Statement