A75 Hardgrove

The project formed part of a £36.7 million investment on the A75 at Dunragit as well as the A77 at Symington and Bogend Toll.

The new road opened in July 2014 with traffic switching from the old A75 to the new A75 benefiting road users by increasing the performance and safety on this stretch of road and enhancing sustainable travel options for cyclists and pedestrians.

Project benefits

  • Improves journey time reliability by increasing the number of overtaking facilities in both directions and reducing driver frustration on the A75, which forms part of the Euro-route between Europe, Scotland and the UK, via ferry terminals at Cairnryan
  • Improve the operational performance, level service and safety on the A75
  • Provides better pedestrian and cyclist safety
  • Improves connectivity and makes Scotland a more attractive option for business, leisure and tourism

Public exhibition

A public exhibition was held on 1 July 2008. The exhibition provided an opportunity for the public to comment on the proposed scheme.

These details are available from the programme document.

Numerous surveys have been undertaken. The environmental impacts of the new alignment have been identified, for mitigation, in the Environmental Statement which was published on 27 June 2008. Previous surveys have shown that protected species populate the area.

Project documents, including Road Orders and the Environmental Statement, are available at the UK Web Archive.