A75 Planting End to Drumflower

What's involved?

  • The scheme will provide a guaranteed eastbound overtaking opportunity over a length of 1 kilometre
  • The horizontal and vertical alignment will be improved to bring the road up to current design standards
  • A shared pedestrian/cycle facility will also be constructed in the southern verge along with crossing points for safe access

Project benefits

These improvements will allow faster moving vehicles to safely overtake platoons of slower moving vehicles.


These details are available from the programme document - see A75 Overtaking Opportunities (3 schemes including Newton Stewart and Barfill).

Impact on travel

Journey time and driver frustration should be reduced because faster moving vehicles will have safe overtaking opportunities.

Traffic management

Single lane/shuttle working and reduced speed limits will be in place for the duration of the construction works.

Environmental impact

All environmental impacts have been assessed in accordance with the Design Manual for Roads and Bridges (DMRB). Due to the nature of the scheme an Environmental Statement is not required.