A82 Ba Bridge replacement
This was the third in the A82 Bridge Strengthening & Replacement Programme, following the completion of Lairig Eilde and Achnambeithach.
The improvements formed part of Transport Scotland's ongoing programme to strengthen or replace sub-standard trunk road structures.
What was involved?
Contractors erected a temporary bridge to carry trunk road traffic while the existing bridge deck was demolished.
The bridge piers and abutments were also partially removed. The improvements included construction of concrete capping beams on top of the existing piers, widened abutments and a new bridge deck and parapets. On completion, the temporary bridge was removed and the land returned to its natural state. This project was subject to extensive consultation with local landowners, stakeholders and the A82 Working Group.
Transport Scotland would like to thank them for their co-operation in the scheme development and their patience while it was delivered.
How much did it cost?
The cost of the works was £2.2 million
What was done to reduce the environmental impact?
The environmental impact of the works was minimised with control measures put in place to protect the local environment. The Environmental Statement and Notice to Determination were published.
Are there any other online legal documents / public notices relating to this project?
Section 74 Roads ( Scotland) Act Notice for the temporary road re-alignment to accommodate the temporary bridge
Prioritising bridge maintenance
Transport Scotland maintains and operates trunk road bridges and structures across Scotland.
Our responsibilities
Transport Scotland is responsible for the management, maintenance and operation of trunk road bridges and structures in Scotland.
Our aim is to ensure bridge safety and minimise delay and disruption to the public, road users and the environment.