A830 Arisaig to Loch nan Uamh
What's involved?
Widening of single track length of A830 between Arisaig and Loch nan Uamh to allow for two way traffic.
Project benefits
A830 is a lifeline route to Mallaig and the Small Isles and the only existing one-way section between Arisaig and Loch Nan Uamh currently can be blocked by even minor incidents.
There are concerns for road safety, community safety due to emergency services access along the narrow road, and constraints on economic development.
These details are available from the programme document
Impact on travel
There will be improved and more reliable journeys and improvements in road safety.
Traffic management
Complex traffic management will be required involving various road closures for daytime and nighttime work on the existing railway bridges crossing the road and to allow the safe excavation of rock using blasting techniques adjacent to the existing road.
Environmental impact
There will be very complex impacts as the area is a Special Area of Conservation under the Birds and Habitats Directive and a National Scenic Area.