A830 Dearg Bridge replacement
Why is it needed?
The new bridge will be of significant benefit to the A830 and marks the start of a major investment programme in bridges along this lifeline route. The design for the new bridge took into account the environmental challenges of the location, recycled materials from the old bridge and provides a low maintenance bridge designed to last 120 years. Stone recovered from the old bridge was used for the facing parts of the new structure to help it blend into its rural Highland surroundings.
What was involved?
The Dearg bridge replacement works, were the first of eight bridges to be replaced on the A830 route, comprised replacing the existing life expired bridge with a single 11 metre span reinforced concrete structure. The new bridge has a 6 metre carriageway, 1 metre hard strips, 1.5 metre verges and masonry parapets. The A830 was widened locally on the approaches to the bridge.
What stage is it currently at?
The Works are complete and the bridge was fully open to traffic.
How will it affect me?
The works are complete
What is being done to reduce the environmental impact?
The environmental impact of the works were minimised. Control measures were put in place to protect the local environment.
Environmental scoping was completed.
Are there any other online legal documents / public notices relating to this project?