A876 Upper Forth Crossing at Kincardine

What's involved?

Construction of a new 1.2 kilometre-long bridge across the Forth Estuary, together with 6.4 kilometres of approach road and associated works.

Project benefits

This project will -

  • Allow the existing Kincardine Bridge to be refurbished
  • Alleviate traffic congestion in Kincardine village and at Bowtrees
  • Improve the environment (air quality, noise pollution etc) in Kincardine


These details are available from the programme document.

Impact on travel

During construction delays will be minimised by keeping the existing number of lanes open on all roads.  Following construction, significant reductions in congestion are predicted at Kincardine and Bowtrees.  Improved facilities for cyclists, pedestrians and buses will also be provided as part of the contract.

Traffic management

Although traffic may need to be diverted onto temporary running lanes during construction, the existing number of lanes will be kept open on all roads, other than on some minor roads where temporary traffic lights may be required.

Environmental impact

Environmental impacts include -

  •  Loss of approximately 40 hectares of agricultural land
  •  Demolition of two businesses
  •  Adverse visual impact for properties in Kincardine
  •  Negative impacts on nine cultural heritage sites
  •  Increased noise levels for some properties close to the route

However, the scheme is predicted to have no more than a moderately significant impact on ecology, including the ecology of the nationally and internationally designated Firth of Forth Special Protection Area.

A substantial number of properties in Kincardine will experience a significant improvement in air quality and reduced noise levels.