A887 Lagain Bhain Bridge Replacement


The existing Lagain Bhain Bridge carries the A887 over the Allt an Lagain Bhain watercourse approximately 500 metres north of Torgyle (National Grid Reference 230960 813545). The bridge was constructed circa 1949 and is designated as being structurally sub-standard for modern traffic loading.

Proposed scheme

The existing bridge is deemed to be beyond economic repair. Therefore, it is proposed to replace it with new reinforced concrete bridge with a span of 5.5 metres. Locally the carriageway will be widened to current standards and new natural stone masonry parapets, in keeping with the bridge’s rural environment, will be installed.

Details of the proposed works

Prior to the demolition of the old bridge, a temporary steel bailey-type bridge will be installed adjacent to it. The temporary bridge will allow the passage of vehicles while the old bridge is being demolished and the new bridge constructed in the same position. The temporary bridge will have a single lane carriageway and therefore temporary traffic lights will be required to manage traffic flows.

Works are scheduled to start on site in spring 2025. The cost is estimated at £2 million.

Statutory processes

A Compulsory Purchase Order, Side Road Order and Environmental Statement will be published in summer 2023.