A898 Erskine Bridge lighting and electrical refurbishment
What's involved?
The contract delivered the refurbishment of the original lighting and electrical systems associated with the bridge. The works included:
- removal and replacement of the electrical cabling that supplies the internal bridge lighting and lighting columns on the bridge deck and bridge approaches
- removal and replacement of the internal lighting units
- removal and replacement of bridge deck lighting columns
- removal of the high mast lighting columns at the south end of the bridge (former toll plaza) and replacement with standard lighting columns
- removal and replacement of aircraft warning lights at the tops of the towers
- removal and replacement of the luminaires and cabling to high mast lights at the north approaches to the bridge

Project benefits
The Works have upgraded the original lighting on the bridge, its approaches and within the structure with a more efficient system that can be controlled remotely using a Central Management System (CMS).
What stage is it currently at?
The Works that started in May 2016 were substantially completed on 11 November 2016.
How will it affect me?
The works are complete
Environmental Impact
The works are complete