A9 Clunie Bridge deck refurbishment
The bridge was refurbished to current standards, offering improved safety for trunk road users.
The improvements ensured its future durability.
During routine inspections, it was detected that the structure has been suffering from water ingress defects and surfacing and expansion joint failures.
Specialist contractors removed the existing surfacing, verges and waterproofing to expose the existing concrete deck for inspection and repair. The refurbishment works involved repairing defects to the reinforced concrete deck. Then the deck was waterproofed and resurfaced including renewing the deck drainage system, expansion joints and verges.
This project was subject to consultation with Perth & Kinross Council, the local community and stakeholders in the wider area. Transport Scotland would like to thank them for their co-operation in the scheme development and patience whilst it was delivered. The works were completed in Autumn 2012.
What was done to reduce the environmental impact?
An environmental review was carried out to ascertain the possible impact of the works and to devise suitable mitigation measures to be put in place to protect the local environment.
Why could these works not be carried out after the A9 has been dualled?
The works were deemed as essential, due to the poor condition of the carriageway surfacing, and they could not be delayed.