A96 Inveramsay Bridge

The new road, including a new bridge, opened to road users in March 2016.

The £10.2m investment delivered approximately 1.5 km of new road, including a new bridge that enables the A96 trunk road to be realigned over the Aberdeen to Inverness railway. It also includes an underpass to provide farm access.

Project benefits

The new section of A96 trunk road circumnavigates a low head room railway bridge where traffic signals were required to allow vehicles to pass under the structure safely.

The project has eliminated the possibility of bridge strikes at this location and has also improved traffic flow as the traffic signals are no longer required on A96.


The road was opened to road users in March 2016.

Public Exhibitions

Transport Scotland held a Route Options Exhibition on 27 & 28 October 2011 at Inverurie Golf Club to present the four potential route options being developed for the scheme.

Following completion of the Route Options assessment process, Option C was identified as the preferred option to be taken forward for construction.

Following the publication of the Draft Order material, Transport Scotland held Public exhibitions of the A96 Inveramsay Bridge proposals in Huntly (18 April 2013) and Inverurie (19 April 2013).

Environmental impact

An Environmental Impact assessment was undertaken and the Environmental Statement was published along with the Draft Statutory Road Order material (see below)

Draft documents

Draft orders and the Associated Environmental Statement were published on 11 April 2013.

Environmental Statement and Non-Technical Summary

Order material as Made was published on 31 October 2013