Table 47: Uptake of sustainable transport policies (of those who were aware of the policy): 2015, 20161

26 September 2017 - Transport and Travel in Scotland 2016

Table 47: Uptake of sustainable transport policies (of those who were aware of the policy): 2015, 20161

Table 47: Uptake of sustainable transport policies (of those who were aware of the policy): 2015, 20161
  Member of a car club or formal car sharing scheme Sample size (=100%) Attended a fuel efficient driver training course Sample size (=100%) Used a cycle hire scheme in the last 12 months Sample size (=100%)
  cell percentages  
All people: 2.2 2990 10.9 1340 3.6 2,830
by gender:
Male 2.7 1530 13.3 820 4.4 1,490
Female 1.6 1460 6.6 520 2.6 1,340
by age:
16-19 ** 30 ** 10 ** 40
20-29 1.0 260 4.5 130 6.0 340
30-39 2.9 480 18.1 210 4.2 490
40-49 3.0 640 14.0 250 3.8 580
50-59 2.7 640 12.6 310 3.3 540
60-69 1.2 580 8.0 250 ** 490
70-79 1.1 280 2.4 120 ** 280
80+ . 90 4.7 50 . 70
by current situation:
Self employed 0.5 280 9.9 130 3.9 270
Employed full time 2.8 1350 15.1 630 4.5 1,300
Employed part time 3.6 330 10.1 130 1.7 300
Looking after the home/family 1.0 90 ** 30 ** 80
Permanently retired from work 1.4 760 5.2 330 ** 670
Unemployed/seeking work ** 50 ** 20 ** 50
In further/higher education 0.6 60 ** 30 6.8 90
Permanently sick or disabled . 60 ** 30 ** 50
by annual net household income:
up to £10,000 p.a. 0.7 180 7.1 90 ** 160
over £10,000 - £15,000 1.2 320 8.7 130 3.1 290
over £15,000 - £20,000 1.7 370 8.7 170 3.2 360
over £20,000 - £25,000 1.9 350 6.4 160 1.4 360
over £25,000 - £30,000 1.5 320 7.1 150 2.7 300
over £30,000 - £40,000 3.0 540 13.6 260 4.0 490
over £40,000 p.a. 2.6 850 14.2 350 4.2 830
by Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation quintiles:
1 (20% most deprived) 1.8 320 10.2 150 3.8 350
2' 2.0 490 10.4 230 3.8 470
3' 1.9 620 7.8 290 3.9 630
4' 3.0 810 14.3 380 2.6 670
5 (20% least deprived) 1.9 750 10.5 290 3.8 700
by urban/rural classification:
Large urban areas 1.7 890 9.7 320 5.1 900
Other urban 3.2 910 10.0 420 2.6 890
Small accessible towns 1.2 310 10.8 140 2.7 300
Small remote towns 2.7 170 14.1 90 ** 110
Accessible rural 1.9 420 15.5 200 2.7 350
Remote rural 1.9 300 8.2 170 3.4 270
by frequency of driving:
Every day 2.5 1810 12.6 850 3.0 1,670
At least three times a week 1.6 650 8.0 260 3.4 560
Once or twice a week 1.7 250 12.1 110 5.5 250
Less often 2.7 100 ** 40 7.2 130
Never, but holds full driving licence 0.5 170 5.8 70 3.9 210

** value supressed as cell contains fewer than 5 responses
1. Questions on car club membership and fuel efficient driver training are asked on a biennial basis. The data in the table refers to 2015. The data on cycle hire schemes refers to 2016.