18 Schedule of Environmental Commitments 18.2 Schedule of Environmental Commitments


18 Schedule of Environmental Commitments

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18.1 Introduction

In order to ensure compliance with environmental commitments, all mitigation measures identified in the Environmental Statement necessary to protect the environment prior to, or during construction, or during operation of the proposed scheme will be incorporated in specific Method Statements. Legal and other environmental requirements will be defined, and responsibilities and requirements established to ensure, firstly, their implementation, secondly, monitoring procedures to check their implementation and thirdly, any specific consultation requirements to ensure that mitigation measures are implemented and appropriately adhered to.

18.2 Schedule of Environmental Commitments

The purpose of the Schedule of Environmental Commitments (Table 18.1 below) is to collate mitigation measures identified throughout the Environmental Statement for ease of reference. A fuller discussion of mitigation requirements is supplied in Chapters 5 to 16.

The Schedule of Environmental Commitments provides a record of commitments that the Contractor will be obliged to adhere to throughout the Contract period, although it is recognised that there may be a need to revise or supplement the commitments by agreement between the Contractor, the Scottish Executive and other interested parties. Specifically, the following are tabulated:

  • description of the mitigation measure;
  • objective of mitigation;
  • location and timing of the mitigation;
  • monitoring requirements; and
  • any consultation required.

Should any significant modifications to the scheme be proposed (i.e. design, construction or operational requirements), there may be additional environmental impacts arising to those identified as part of this DMRB Stage 3 EIA process. These impacts would likely require the implementation of appropriate additional mitigation measures. If this were the case, there would be a requirement to publish an Addendum to the Environmental Statement, within which appropriate impacts and mitigation measures would be described. This addendum would include a revised Schedule of Environmental Commitments that would be incorporated in appropriate Method Statements. It is stressed that the final design would not give rise to impacts that are of any greater significance than those described in this Environmental Statement unless a subsequent Addendum is issued for consultation.

It should be noted also that the Schedule of Environmental Commitments provides a summary of the mitigation measures developed at this stage in the design process. The measures outlined in Table 18.1 may require further specification during the detailed design stage. Both operational and construction stage impacts are considered under each environmental parameter and therefore a separate Disruption due to Construction heading has not been included in the table.

Table 18.1. Schedule of Environmental Commitments.

Ref. No.

Mitigation Measure

Objective of Mitigation

Location and Timing of Mitigation Measure

Monitoring Requirements

Additional Consultation Required

Air Quality


No specific mitigation required but best practice includes:

Appropriate materials storage, dust suppression techniques and construction site traffic management. (As detailed in section 16.4.1 of the ES).

Minimise temporary increases in airborne dust and pollutants during construction phase.

Across the site, during construction.

Monitored on site during construction. Details to be included in Method Statements.


Cultural Heritage


Confirm, in advance of any site clearance/construction works, whether or not an archaeological field evaluation should be undertaken within areas of new land take prior to construction.

To avoid loss, damage or severance of previously unrecorded sites/remains.

Off line, site of new alignment. Prior to construction.

Field evaluation carried out by a qualified archaeologist on site. Monitored on site during construction if required. If required, details to be included in Method Statements.

Discussion with Historic Scotland.


Contractor to be vigilant during construction in case of disturbing unrecorded sites and made aware of potential for site discovery.

To minimise disturbance to possible sites not previously recorded, which may cause loss, damage or severance.

Entire scheme, during construction.

Details to be included in Method Statements.

Discussion with Midlothian Council archaeologist (and Historic Scotland) if any discoveries made.


Contractor to cease work if any features uncovered during construction.

To minimise disturbance to possible sites not previously recorded, which may cause loss, damage or severance.


Land Use


Minimisation of land-take where possible.

To minimise the loss / disturbance of land during and after construction.

Whole scheme, during detailed design and construction.

Monitored on site. Specific details to be included in Method Statements.

Liaison between Contractor and landowner, as required.


Minimisation of public utility diversion where possible.

To minimize disturbance/disruption to local residents

Whole scheme, during detailed design and construction.

Monitored on site. Specific details to be included in Method Statements.

Liaison between Contractor and landowner, as required.


Reducing degree of severance by following existing boundary lines where possible.

To minimize disturbance/disruption to local residents

Whole scheme, during detailed design and construction.

Monitored on site. Specific details to be included in Method Statements.

Liaison between Contractor and landowner, as required.


Re-use of excavated agricultural soils in earth mounding and landscape mitigation.

To minimise permanent loss/disturbance of land from construction work and maintain field drainage systems.

Entire scheme, especially offline section, during detailed design and post-construction.

Monitored on site. Specific details to be included in Method Statements.

Liaison between Contractor and landowner if required.


Restoration of disturbed areas to original use wherever possible.

To minimise permanent loss/disturbance of land from construction work and maintain field drainage systems.

Entire scheme, especially offline section, during detailed design and post-construction.

Monitored on site. Specific details to be included in Method Statements.

Liaison between Contractor and landowner if required.


Compensation for the loss of land and the relocation of existing access arrangements.

To ensure that landowners do not suffer financially due to temporary or permanent loss of land / severance.

Whole scheme, whenever land is required on a temporary or permanent basis.


Negotiation with landowner where appropriate


Provision of access tracks for the Saughland Farm field at Fala Tunnel and the fields to the south-west of the A68.

To minimise disruption, maintain access to field units, land and property.

Entire scheme, wherever access routes will be affected, during construction and operation.

Monitored on site. Specific details to be included in Method Statements.

Liaison between Contractor and landowner if required.


Improvements to existing at grade crossing of Salters Burn, which will include stock holding pens for Longfaugh Farm.

To minimise disruption, maintain access to field units, land and property.

Entire scheme, wherever access routes will be affected, during construction and operation.

Monitored on site. Specific details to be included in Method Statements.

Liaison between Contractor and landowner if required.


Woodland planting to replace trees felled in Magazine Wood to combat the effects of wind-blow.

To maintain integrity of habitat.

Within those areas felled, during construction as appropriate.

Monitored on site. Specific details to be included in Method Statements.

Liaison between Contractor and landowner if required.

Ecology and Nature Conservation


Minimise permanent land take and retain as much vegetation as possible through sensitive scheme design.

To minimise loss of habitat and disturbance to species.

Entire scheme, during detailed design and construction.

Monitored on site during site preparation and construction activities. Details to be included in Method Statements.



Minimise temporary land take through sensitive scheme design, definition and fencing off working corridor. Restrict movement of work force and heavy machinery to working corridor during construction. Best practice construction methods (minimise noisy activities, directional lighting, dust suppression techniques).

To minimise loss of habitat and disturbance to habitats and species.

Entire scheme, during detailed design and construction.

Monitored on site during site preparation and construction activities. Details to be included in Method Statements.

Reference to best practice guidelines.


Pre-construction surveys for protected species including otter, badger, water vole and bat.

To determine whether the use of the area by these animals has changed since previous survey work and provide mitigation/meet legal requirements.

Entire footprint of scheme and construction compounds, pre- construction.

Details to be included in Method Statements.

Discussion with ecologist.


Specific pre-felling bat roost survey to be completed (by a licensed bat worker/suitably experienced ecologist) immediately prior to the removal of any trees.

To avoid disturbance to bat roosts and ensure legislative compliance.

For those trees requiring removal, prior to site clearance.

Details to be included in Method Statements.

Discussion with ecologist.


Appropriate landscaping strategy / biodiversity enhancement proposals in line with principles outlined in Chapter 9. Including grass seeding and tree/shrub/hedgerow planting appropriate to the local area.

To increase biodiversity wherever possible.

At appropriate locations (see Figure 9.3 to 9.6), detailed design and post-construction.

Details to be included in Method Statements and monitored during implementation/post-construction.

Discussion with ecologist / landscape specialist / SNH.


Trenches left unattended overnight to be either covered or ramped in one location to prevent mammals becoming trapped. Watercourses to remain passable at the end of the working day.

To ensure otter and badger can exit trenches and move along watercourses.

Wherever trenches occur.

Monitored on site during construction. Details to be included in Method Statements.

Discussion with ecologist and SEPA.


Where possible site clearance to be undertaken between September and end of February (i.e. out with the bird breeding season).

To avoid disturbance to breeding birds and ensure legislative compliance.

Entire scheme, prior to site clearance.

Details to be included in Method Statements.

Discussion with ecologist.


Plantation at northern end of scheme associated with Magazine Wood to be felled outwith bird breeding season once carrion crows have finished nesting.

To avoid disturbance to breeding crows and ensure legislative compliance.

At Magazine Wood, prior to site clearance.

Details to be included in Method Statements.

Discussion with ecologist.


Installation of a concrete mammal ledge within the new culvert at the burn crossing the A68 at the B6458 junction and extended Salters Burn culvert. Appropriately designed/installed with entrance and exit ramps (DMRB Vol. 10).

To allow for the passage of otter and badger thereby reducing risk of road kills.

At the specific locations shown in Figures 9.3 to 9.5, during detailed design, construction and operation.

Monitoring program to be set up, with visits to mammal mitigation after 4 weeks, six months and one year after road completion. Details to be included in Method Statements.

Discussion with ecologist and SNH.


Installation of a mammal tunnel beneath the A68. Appropriately designed/installed in accordance with current standards (DMRB Vol. 10).

To allow for the passage of badger (and other small mammals) and thereby reducing risk of road kills.

At the specific location shown in Figure 9.5 during detailed design, construction and operation.



Erect combined otter/badger fencing adjacent to the A68, associated with E4 and E5 above. Appropriately designed/installed in accordance with current standards (DMRB Vol. 10).

To direct mammals to the new crossing facilities and minimise mammal road casualties.

At the specific locations shown in Figures 9.3 to 9.5, prior to road commissioning.



Adequate pollution prevention measures will be required to be put in place in close consultation with SEPA. Locate material storage compounds away from watercourses. Containment and treatment of surface water run-off high in suspended solids prior to discharge to any watercourse. Pollution Incident Response Plan will be put in place.

To ensure water quality is maintained, reduce risk of pollution.

Along scheme length, at key locations, during construction.

Regular monitoring of watercourses and SUDS features during construction. Details to be included in Method Statements.

Agree with SEPA.


Containment and treatment of construction site and road surface water run-off prior to discharge to any watercourse, through use of SUDS.

To reduce risk of pollution and ensure water quality/habitats and species not detrimentally affected.

Receiving watercourses, during operation.

Regular monitoring of watercourses and SUDS features during operation. Details to be included in Method Statements.

Agree with SEPA.


Reinstate the beds and banks of watercourses to an agreed standard.

To avoid long-term disturbance to the beds and banks of watercourses.

All watercourses affected, during/post-construction.

Monitored on site during construction activities and post-construction/restoration. Details to be included in Method Statements.

Discussion with ecologist and SNH.


Reporting of any mammal road casualties to Ecological Consultant for investigation and development of safeguard strategies.

To ensure protection of protected species.

Whole site, during construction.



Landscape Effects


Widening of the existing A68 to follow the existing road alignment. U60 Longfaugh junction re-alignment situated within cut embankments.

Prevention of adverse effects at source. Reduce the visual impact of road widening.

Entire scheme, A68 and U60 Longfaugh junction, during construction.




Landscaping strategy based on general principles outlined on Figures 9.3 to 9.6 and Chapter 9. Retention/enhancement of existing vegetation, including trees and hedgerows where possible.

To minimise effects on landscape and reduce visual impact.

Entire scheme, wherever trees/ scrub affected. During detailed landscaping design, construction and post construction.


Discussion with landscape specialist / ecologist.


Follow the principles of ‘Cost Effective Landscaping: Learning from Nature’ and planting of non-native species and use of native grass/wildflower seed.

To ensure all mitigation measures are effective, represent best value and make a positive contribution to the character and biodiversity of the landscape surrounding the site.

Entire scheme, during detailed landscaping design, construction and post construction.

Monitored on site post-construction/restoration. Details to be included in Method Statements.

Discussion with landscape specialist / ecologist.


Fill embankments associated with the A68 widening and the U60 re-alignment cut embankments will generally be planted with trees and shrubs.

To help screen the embankment slopes from the receptors in the area. To screen the initial scaring of cut embankments thereby minimising visual effect of the unction relocation when viewed from the A68.

Entire scheme where embankments created, A68 and U60 Longfaugh junction, during and post-construction.

Regular monitoring post-construction/restoration to evaluate creation and success of planting to be included in Method Statements.

Discussion with ecologist / landscape specialist re: species mix and precise location, numbers, etc.


Re-planting of trees at loss Magazine Wood.

To mitigate for loss of area of trees to be felled to accommodate new private access and to combat the risk of ‘Wind-Blow’.

Where new access required, during and post-construction.



Larger standard planting mixed with the tree and shrub planting on the northern embankment of the new side road between the A68 and the U77.

To provide visual screening of vehicles headlights for Haugh Head House.

Along northern embankment of the new side road, during and post-construction.



Replacement planting for any trees/shrub/hedgerows lost to the scheme, with woodland planting on embankments and new hedgerows along ownership boundaries.

To maintain existing landscape features.

Entire scheme, during detailed landscaping design, construction and post construction.

Monitored on site during construction activities and post-construction/restoration. Details to be included in Method Statements.

Discussion with ecologist / landscape specialist re: species mix and precise location, numbers, etc.


Re-establish the established block of trees which will be removed adjacent to the northbound carriageway at the southern tie-in of the scheme with either transplanted trees from original plantation, if possible, or mature standard trees.

To maintain the existing woodland feature.

At southern tie-in, during detailed landscaping design, construction and post construction.



Strengthen the thin strip of mature trees to the north of the B6458 Tynehead junction with supplementary tree planting.

To offset the three/four trees to be removed for the junction’s vertical re-alignment.

At the B6458 junction with the A68, during detailed landscaping design, construction and post construction.



Limitation of the size and extent of working and storage areas.

Reduce visual intrusion of temporary compounds, plant and lighting.

Across the site, during construction. Especially at compounds/storage areas.

Monitored on site during construction. Details to be included in Method Statements.



Ensure good housekeeping of the construction site and storage areas, keeping the site tidy and free of litter and debris as far as is possible.

Reduce visual intrusion of temporary compounds, plant and lighting.

Across the site, during construction. Especially at compounds/storage areas.

Monitored on site during construction. Details to be included in Method Statements.



Use of temporary floodlighting where necessary and the lights orientated away from receptors.

To minimise adverse visual impact.

Whole site, during design development and construction / landscaping.

Monitored on site during construction. Details to be included in Method Statements.



Restoration of disturbed areas where possible.

To minimise effects on landscape and reduce visual impact post construction.

Entire scheme, during post-construction/ restoration.

Monitored on site during construction activities and post-construction/restoration. Details to be included in Method Statements.

Discussion with ecologist / landscape specialist.

Traffic Noise and Vibration


No specific mitigation measures due to negligible nature of impact.

Not required




Pedestrians, Cyclists, Equestrians and Community


No mitigation measures are required, however those junctions which are to be closed, will be maintained to allow access for pedestrians and cyclists.

Ensures safety to pedestrians, cyclists and other community users passing through during construction.

Whole scheme, during and prior to construction.



Vehicle Travellers


Advance warning signs erected.

To forewarn drivers of changes in road layout; traffic speeds etc.

Whole scheme, during and prior to construction.




Appropriate earthworks, including minimal cut and fill slopes where practicable.

To decrease changes in views from the road and ensure that the scheme blends in with the surrounding landscape as quickly as possible.

Whole scheme, during and prior to construction.




Appropriate seeding and landscaping of earthworks to reflect local/surrounding vegetation.

To decrease changes in views from the road and ensure that the scheme blends in with the surrounding landscape as quickly as possible.

Whole scheme, during and prior to construction.




Replacement and additional planting of hedgerows, roadside vegetation and creation of tree screens where appropriate.

To decrease changes in views from the road and ensure that the scheme blends in with the surrounding landscape as quickly as possible.

Whole scheme, during and prior to construction.




Replacement planting for any mature trees that are lost to the scheme (two at Riggsyde) or minimisation of tree felling.

To decrease changes in views from the road and ensure that the scheme blends in with the surrounding landscape as quickly as possible.

Whole scheme, during and prior to construction.



Road Drainage and the Water Environment


All works carried out in compliance with current best practice guidelines, including SEPA’s Pollution Prevention Guidance Notes

To minimise release of polluted water, which may cause pollution of watercourses and ensure compliance with the Water Framework Directive.

Entire scheme, during construction.

Monitored on site during construction. Details to be included in Method Statements. Water quality monitoring at detention pond outlets once operational.

Reference to SEPA Pollution Prevention Guidelines and other best practice


Containment and treatment of construction site surface water run-off prior to discharge to any watercourse. Use of temporary ponds and other facilities or permanent drainage constructed early on. Disturbed beds and banks to be reinstated.

To reduce risk of pollution and ensure water quality/habitats and species are not detrimentally affected.

Along scheme length, at key locations, during site preparation.

Regular monitoring of drainage features during construction. Details to be included in Method Statements.

Consultation with SEPA.


Emergency procedures to deal with accidental spillages. Creation and implementation of Contingency Plans. Spillage containment system to be implemented.

To reduce the effects of any potentially polluting materials such as oils, fuels or construction materials.

Entire scheme, during construction.

Monitored on site during construction. Details to be included in Method Statements.

Reference to SEPA Pollution Prevention Guidelines and other best practice


Best practice culvert design in accordance with Controlled Activity Regulations. Installation of mammal ledges within new / extended culverts as per E5 above. Culverts to be fish passable.

To ensure that the water flow is maintained along existing watercourses and to allow for the passage of mammals/fish.

At the new culvert locations, during detailed design, construction and operation.

Monitored on site during construction. Details to be included in Method Statements.

Consultation with SEPA.

Discussion with ecologist.


Determine authorisation requirements under the Controlled Activity Regulations.

To ensure all legal requirements are adhered to and quality of water environment is maintained.

At specific locations, during design and construction.

Monitored on site during construction. Details to be included in Method Statements.

Consultation with SEPA.


Appropriate storage for on-site materials.

To prevent potentially contaminating spillage events.

Entire scheme, during construction.

Checks to ensure facilities are working and in order / cleaned out.



Containment and treatment of road surface water run-off prior to discharge to any watercourse. Incorporation of a Sustainable Drainage System incorporating over the edge filter drains, swales and detention ponds.

To reduce risk of pollution and ensure water quality/habitats and species are not detrimentally affected.

Along scheme length, at key locations shown on Figures 13.3 to 13.9, for use during scheme operation.

Regular monitoring of watercourses and SUDS features during operation. Details to be included in Method Statements.

Agreement with SEPA.

Geology and Soils


Appropriate disposal of unacceptable material and re-use of acceptable surplus material. Re-cycling of earthworks material and topsoil on site for fill and landscaping purposes.

To maximise re-use/re-cycling of soil on site.

Across the site, during construction.

Monitored on site during construction. Details to be included in Method Statements.



Limit extent of working and storage areas. Careful stripping, separate storage of different types of soil and appropriate protection of soils during storage. Soil handling procedures will be adopted by the Contractor, i.e. avoid movement of material during wet conditions. Implementation of erosion and sedimentation controls.

To minimise disturbance to/loss of soil resources.

Across the site, during construction and site restoration.

Monitored on site during construction. Details to be included in Method Statements.



Re-use of excavated materials in the landscaping of road verges wherever possible. Partial drying out of some wet granular soils for re-use on site.

To minimise the disturbance to the geological and soil attributes of the overall area.

Across the site, during construction and landscaping.

Monitored on site during construction. Details to be included in Method Statements.



Additional procurement of material for earthworks to be obtained from local sources where practical.

To ensure no change in the geology and soil attributes of the area.

Across the site, during construction and landscaping.

Details to be included in Method Statements.



Site restoration and maximise return of land to agricultural use, re-instate/provide alternative drainage systems.

To minimise permanent loss/disturbance of land from construction work and maintain field drainage systems.

Entire scheme, during detailed design and post-construction.

Monitored on site. Details to be included in Method Statements.

Liaison between Contractor and landowner if required.