Appendix 8: Ecological Target Notes and Species Lists. Species Target Notes for Figure 8.3 Species List
Appendix 8: Ecological Target Notes and Species Lists.
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Habitat Target Notes for Figure 8.2
Target Note |
OS Grid Reference |
Description |
1 |
NT.40600.62700 |
Sycamore Acer pseudoplatanus dominated, moderately mature, fairly open, plantation woodland, the central part of which (a former quarry site) has been cleared to form a small landfill site with a vehicular access track extending to the residential properties at Hope and farmland to the west of the woodland. Nevertheless, woodland at the western and eastern and northern margin of the site has only been subject to a moderately low level of disturbance and woodland habitats persist. The even age of the sycamore woodland suggests that the woodland is of plantation origin. However, there are occasional ash, larch and sparse coppice-like wych elm Ulmus glabra. There is one fairly mature wych elm at the southwest edge of the area. Natural regeneration is starting to become commonplace in the least disturbed section of woodland. There is a limited amount of fallen and standing dead wood present in the undisturbed woodland There is also locally rare Norway spruce Picea abies and larch Larix decidua. Sycamore, larch and spruce have probably been planted to compensate for elm woodland lost to Dutch elm disease a few decades ago. The groundlayer vegetation is of fairly low diversity and is dominated by common woodland mosses (including Thuidium tamariscinum and Rhytidiadelphus triquetrus) with frequent broad buckler-fern Dryopteris dilatata, wood avens Geum urbanum, scaly male-fern Dryopteris affinis and rosebay willowherb Chamerion angustifolium. There is occasional barren strawberry Potentilla sterilis, creeping buttercup Ranunculus repens, red campion Silene dioica, common nettle Urtica dioica, ground ivy Glechoma hederacea, daisy Bellis perennis, and sparse dog violet Viola riviniana and bramble Rubus fruticosus agg. Occasional stands of cowslip Primula veris are present at the open edges of the woodland. Small stands of Spanish bluebell Hyacinthoides hispanica (possible hybrid with common bluebell) are present at the southern part of the wood. A brown hare Lepus europaeus was observed. Shooting takes place in the wood. Common woodland birds are present in the wood. A woodpecker hole was noted in a dead elm truck about 4m above ground level on a steep banking. |
2 |
NT.407.628 |
Broad-leaved plantation woodland of moderately mature age within a valley, east of A68 at Hope. There is an open canopy with a sparse shrub layer and abundant dead wood and moss covered trees. The ground flora is poor with dominant common nettle. The wood opens out towards the cottage with patches of hawthorn Crataegus monogyna interspersed with black knapweed Centaurea nigra, primrose Primula vulgaris and patches of herbs and grasses, such as wood sorrel Oxalis acetosella and tufted vetch Vicia cracca. There is a newly planted area of birch Betula sp., sycamore, oak Quercus sp., rowan Sorbus aucuparia and horse chestnut Aesculus hippocastanum with seeded perennial rye-grass Lolium perenne and Yorkshire fog Holcus lanatus. The trees are planted at 2 m spacings. The wood is overrun by rabbits Oryctolagus cuniculus. There is a lay-by at NT.40751.62804 with a grassy mound separating it from the road. There are planted trees and shrubs, such as crab apple Malus sylvestris, rowan, dog rose Rosa canina agg., ash Fraxinus excelsior and alder Alnus glutinosa with the neutral grassland consisting of abundant amounts of white clover Trifolium repens and perennial rye grass. |
3 |
NT.40869.62954 |
A clearing in broad-leaved woodland plantation with a network of large water-filled ditches. There is some soft-rush Juncus effusus vegetation by the ditch. There was no water flow at the time of survey (rainfall level had been low). The woodlands that surround the ditches are composed of young sycamore, with sparse hawthorn and elder Sambucus nigra. Like the woodland plantation to the southwest much of the woods in the area have developed on the steep banks of long disused quarries and there are some deep, unstable large holes (unstable ground). The shady parts of one are partially vegetated by hart’s-tongue fern Phyllitis scolopendrium. At the northern part of the area there is bare ground currently used as an agricultural tip. Bordering this is a stand of ransoms Allium ursinum on a very steep and muddy bank. A brown hare was seen. |
4 |
NT.41045.63065 |
At northern edge of broad-leaved woodland plantation, exposed rock outcrop in quarry now used as a farmer’s landfill site. The east end is scrubby with hawthorn, sycamore, elder and raspberry Rubus idaeus dominating. There are mature trees towards the northern boundary dominated by sycamore. Heading south west through the quarry there is dominant sycamore and elder, common nettle and raspberry and frequent common male-fern Dropteris filix-mas. In the section near the A68 the felling of mature and semi-mature sycamores needs to be considered. There are steep banks and rocky outcrops. Bats are likely to use this area for foraging and roosting. |
5 |
NT.41110.62860 |
Linear area of moderately young and quite dense mixed plantation in an area on a mound above the level of the adjacent pastureland. This man-made landscaping is probably connected with the lime kiln present at the south edge of the plantation. Norway spruce is dominant with frequent scrub layer composed of elder and hawthorn. Sycamore is occasional present through most of the plantation. Rare mature ash trees are present are the edges of the plantation. The ground layer is poorly developed (due to high shading levels) and there are occasional stands of common nettle, creeping buttercup and common woodland mosses. Ground-elder Aegopodium podagraria is sparse. There is a stand of snowdrops Galanthus nivalis at the southwest edge of the plantation. Roe deer Capreolus capreolus signs are prevalent. A brown hare was noted. The area is used for game bird rearing. |
6 |
NT.41100.62560 |
Western compartment of Magazine Wood is composed of open mature conifer plantation (Scots pine Pinus sylvestris dominated with frequent larch and occasional Norway spruce) that has been planted on a moderately steep slope that stretches down to the A68 with an abundant shrub layer of elder (probably indicating disturbed ground due to forestry operations). There is much fallen dead wood in the ground layer characterised by common nettle and cleavers Galium aparine. |
7 |
NT.41150.62480 |
The southern part of Magazine wood is located in an area of disused lime kiln (NT.41157.62510) on a steep slope. The woodland is moderately dense. Mixed plantation of moderate age characterises the woodland. There is abundant sycamore (even aged) and elder with frequent Norway spruce, larch and occasional ash. Natural regeneration is resulting in the woodland plantation becoming progressively naturalised in nature indicated by reasonably good age diversity. Due to appreciably high shade levels there is a sparse ground layer, which is limited to common woodland mosses and sparse common nettle, wood avens, barren strawberry, red campion and Spanish bluebell (possibly hybrid with native bluebell). There are remains of old walls and fences. There are numerous indications of rabbit and roe deer activity. There is some standing and fallen deadwood present (including wych elm). |
8 |
NT.41310.62498 |
Magazine Wood. Moderately mature mixed plantation dominated by spruce with occasional sycamore, larch and ash and groundlayer dominated by common nettle with elder shrub-layer. The wood is undulating in profile. There is a large gamebird rearing pen taking up about a third of the wood. Rabbits are abundant. There is a mixed plantation next to the road at NT.41210.62453 which is about 20 — 30 years old. Species include hazel Corylus avellana, Scots pine, Sitka spruce Picea sitchensis, sycamore and hawthorn. This younger wood merges into older woodland which is dominated by ash to the west and then into wood characterised by Sitka spruce with a shrub-layer of elder. |
9 |
NT.415.622 |
Marl Law Wood. Broad-leaved plantation in an old quarry with a bowl-shaped topography. Some of the trees are more than 20 years old and others more than 10 years old. Sycamore and ash are abundant with other species including hawthorn, hazel and crab apple and the ground flora consisting of species such as common dog violet, primrose and common comfrey Symphytum officinale. There is some natural regeneration. There is an area of old ash coppice and another area of planted larch with sycamore and other vegetation throughout. Rabbits are present. A dead mole Talpa europea was found. |
10 |
NT.41485.62111 |
Salter’s Burn with a concrete culvert under the A68. The burn is 1-1.5 m wide with a stone, gravel and sand substrate. Fish passage is possible. It is fenced off from livestock, so the banks are herb rich with species including elder, alder, hawthorn, beech Fagus sylvatica, ash, water forget-me-not Myosotis scorpiodes, meadowsweet Filipendula ulmaria and marsh marigold Caltha palustris. Cattle have access further along, so the ground is well trampled with soft-rush and floating sweet-grass Glyceria fluitans dominating the burn. There are a lot of rabbit warrens along the burn. |
11 |
NT.4211.62136 |
Salter’s Burn dominated by water forget-me-not and abundant willowherb Epilobium sp. in the channel. The water is clear with a silt/gravel substrate with the depth more than 30 cm in places and the width to 1 m. There is a buffer zone of semi-improved neutral grassland 10 m either side of the watercourse. |
12 |
NT.42536.60483 |
Coniferous woodland plantation within minor river valley of the Black Burn. Woodland dominated by Scots pine and Sitka spruce with no understorey. The Black Burn runs down the centre of the woodland, and the watercourse is ca. 1 m wide with gravel and boulders. The burn is of varying depths with occasional deep pools. It is suitable for fish. Common nettle dominates the banks before the trees with other species including soft-rush, water avens, moschatel Adoxa moschatellina and colt’s-foot Tussilago farfara. |
13 |
NT.42656.60648 |
Small valley with Cakemuir Burn at the base. There is a flat area around the burn then steep slopes. The south bank consists of Sitka spruce plantation with mature, broad-leaved woodland edges, composed of beech and alder. The wood is dense on the upper slope with no understorey. The slopes are very wet with some ground flora on the lower slope near the burn, which includes meadowsweet, moschatel, lesser celandine Ranunculus ficaria, opposite-leaved golden-saxifrage Chrysosplenium oppositifolium, water avens Geum rivale and ground-elder. The north slopes consist of scrub and grassland with patches of bracken Pteridium aquilinum. The scrub consists of hawthorn, gorse Ulex europaeus, blackthorn Prunus spinosa and occasional alder and beech. The grassland includes dominant meadowsweet, abundant creeping soft-grass Holcus mollis and Yorkshire fog, frequent black knapweed, raspberry and hogweed Heracleum sphondylium and occasional marsh marigold, lesser celandine and soft-rush. The bottom of the river valley is dominated by alder carr with a waterlogged ground layer dominated by meadowsweet and opposite-leaved golden saxifrage with frequent amounts of willow Salix sp. and lesser celandine. Cakemuir Burn is 3-4 m wide with pebble beaches, riffles, meanders, deep pools, rock exposures and gravel substrate with sandy beds. The banks are sand and stone with overhanging branches. Fish fry were recorded in deep pools of the Cakemuir Burn. |
14 |
NT.42819.60602 |
Steep sided mixed woodland shelterbelt with minor watercourse, the Partridge Burn, running down the centre. The canopy consists of Sitka spruce, beech, wych elm, downy birch Betula pubescens and western hemlock Tsuga heterophylla, with the understorey featuring moschatel, wood sorrel, wood anemone Anemone nemoralis, bracken and lady fern Athyrium filix-femina. The burn is fast flowing, shallow, up to 20 cm, with a few deep pools and is up to 2 m wide. The substrate comprises beds of gravel, silt and sand. There are landslides and exposed mud banks in places. There are a lot of rabbit warrens bordering the burn. |
15 |
NT.42713.60806 |
Semi-improved neutral grassland containing scattered, scrub dominated by raspberry. The grassland is wet in places with a steep slope up to an improved field. Species include abundant creeping soft-grass, meadowsweet, jointed rush Juncus articulatus and raspberry, frequent common valerian Valeriana officinalis and occasional lesser celandine and moschatel. There is an area of alder carr next to the burn (NT.42742.60853) with occasional willow species. At NT.42792.60932 there is a hill dominated by bracken and blackthorn with rabbit warrens. |
16 |
NT.42996.60904 |
Road-side embankment on north side of A68, with scrub consisting of willow, hawthorn, beech and holly Ilex aquifolium. The embankment borders a Sitka spruce plantation, which has a lot of wind-blow. The plantation is dense in places with Scots pine at the top. There is no ground flora, except for the occasional wet area dominated by common nettle. Elder dominates the understorey with occasional patches of bracken. A land drain runs through the plantation which is polluted by iron ochre. The soil is very soft around the burn. Buzzards Buteo buteo were recorded calling overhead. |
17 |
NT.42878.61143 |
Fala Dam Burn to the north of falla Tunnel is contained within a gorge-like valley with semi-natural broad-leaved woodland on its western slopes and riparian woodland on either banks of the watercourse. The semi-natural woodland is dominated by alder with patches of bracken, gorse, scrub and recently planted broad-leaved species with the lower ground being wet. As well as alder the woodland contains Scots pine, birch, elder blackthorn, beech and gorse. The ground flora includes wood sage, common dog violet, wood avens, primrose and germander speedwell Veronica chamaedrys. The pond is 20 m x 10 m. It is becoming encroached by birch scrub and contains jointed rush, bulrush Typha latifolia and reed sweet-grass Glyceria maxima. There is a rabbit warren at NT.42944.61114. The ground is very wet with soft sand. It is very good habitat for birds as there is an abundant supply of raspberries. A number of birds were recorded, including a buzzard. |
18 |
NT.42653.61408 |
Typically wet semi-improved neutral grassland between riparian woodland on the west side of the river valley of the Fala Dam Burn. Grassland dominated by Yorkshire fog, creeping soft-grass and a bent-grass species Agrostis sp., meadowsweet, common valerian, a bittercress species Cardamine sp., water horsetail Equisetum fluviatile, crosswort Cruciata laevipes and hogweed. The soil is humus rich and channels run down the slope. |
19 |
NT.42776.61446 |
Fala Dam Burn is 3-4 m wide with a rock and gravel substrate and no channel vegetation. Burn dominated by riffles with subordinate presence of glides and pools. Side and channel bars of gravel and sand, but overall the river is characterised by a course substrate of gravel, cobbles and boulders. The water appears good quality with salmonids present. There is little vegetation in the stream. The banks are dominated by semi-natural broad-leaved woodland dominated by alder with a wet ground layer consisting of abundant meadowsweet with frequent creeping buttercup and Eurynchium praelongum moss and occasional soft-rush. Within the riparian woodland the ground-layer typically contains abundant water forget-me-not, opposite-leaved golden saxifrage and dog’s mercury Mercurialis perennis, with frequent lesser celandine and occasional raspberry. There is hawthorn scrub towards the field. The east slope is steep and consists of mixed and coniferous plantation woodland with Scots pine and larch and a good abundance of shrub species including hawthorn, blackthorn and immature alder. This area represent excellent nesting habitat for woodland birds. Fish passage is possible and salmonids are likely to be present. |
20 |
NT.43222.61677 and NT.43078.61634 |
On the banks of the Fala Dam Burn there are small patches of Japanese knotweed Fallopia japonica at NT.43222.61677 and NT.43078.61634. |
21 |
NT.43376.61462 |
Steep river gorge containing of a mosaic of mixed, broad-leaved and coniferous plantation woodland. There is abundant dead wood and a good mix of tree species, such as ash, birch, willow, Sitka spruce and hazel and ground flora, such as dogs mercury, wood anemone, wood sorrel and lesser celandine. There is a large area of Sitka plantation (NT.43318.61638) with an elder dominated understorey and wind-blow in the centre. Routing Burn is heavily shaded at NT.43347.61581 and the east bank is dominated by Sitka spruce. There is Sitka plantation where Routing Burn joins Fala Dam Burn and there is a large patch of gorse scrub to the east of it in an improved field. Sitka trees line Fala Dam Burn at this point. Routing Burn itself is approximately 1—2 m wide, 10-20 cm deep, with a rocky substrate. The rocks are covered with silt and algae, but the water is clear. The burn is too shallow for fish. The wood is lighter around the burn with moss, ground elder and opposite- leaved golden-saxifrage dominating the banks. Rabbit burrows and scrapes were present. Abundant roe deer tracks were recorded. |
Species Target Notes for Figure 8.3
Number |
OS Grid Reference |
Description of evidence |
1 |
NT.43154.61702 |
New and old otter spraints found on a rock in the middle of Fala Burn behind house at Fala Mill. |
2 |
NT.42954.61590 |
Collection of otter spraints under stone bridge at Fala Dam. The stone bridge is in good order and is not suitable for bats. |
3 |
NT.42702.61240 |
Otter spraint on rock in Cakemuir Burn at Fala Tunnel. |
4 |
NT.42852.61161 |
Otter spraint on rock in Cakemuir Burn at Fala Tunnel. |
5 |
NT.419.616 |
Otter spraint by entrance to Fala Tunnel. |
6 |
NT.40727.61611 |
Flock of fieldfare (50+) overflew at Longfaugh. |
7 |
NT.41802.62234 |
Mixed flock of chaffinch and yellowhammer near to Marldene |
8 |
NT.42082.61662 |
Possible otter holt (recorded in 2004 survey) adjacent to culvert under the A68 at the B6458 junction, 0.5 m above the low flow water level. The tunnel’s dimensions are 10 cm x 15 cm with the entrance hole being larger — 20 x 20 cm. There is a small unnamed burn flowing here with a gravel bed and debris present. The burn is too shallow for fish. |
9 |
NT.41140.61409 |
Brown hare along hedgeline. |
10 |
NT.41282.62416 |
Brown hare in mixed immature woodland. |
11 |
NT.41876.62248 |
Beech tree with bat potential and evidence of barn owl. Barn owl feathers, pellets and droppings were recorded. |
12 |
NT.42106.60674 |
Old collapsed bridge over Cakemuir Burn near Frostineb with a lot of cracks in the stone work and a possible bat roost. |
13 |
NT.42552.60328 |
Stone bridge over Black Burn with a concrete culvert pipe. There are openings in the bridge with bat roost potential. |
14 |
NT.42887.60450 |
Stone bridge over Partridge Burn, bat potential. |
15 |
NT.40915.61300 |
A brown hare was observed west of Saughland. |
16 |
NT.407.627 |
Ruined stone structure at Hope with bat roost potential. |
17 |
NT.40719.62533 |
Stone ruin immediately south of Hope, with very good bat potential. |
18 |
NT.41919.61790 |
Stone culvert of unnamed burn under A68 with bat potential. |
19 |
NT.41168.62506 |
Potential bat roost in Lime Kiln within Magazine Wood. The lime kiln was assessed as having moderate to high potential to support roosting bats due to the presence of several potential access points. Surrounding habitat was assessed as good for bats with other potential roost sites in adjacent trees, good foraging habitat and flight-lines linking with other areas of habitat. Active carrion crow rookery present (April 2007) with ca. 30 nests in several crowns of Scotland pines. |
20 |
NT.41021.62710 |
Potential bat roost in Lime Kiln within shelter-belt woodland 50m north of Magazine Wood. The lime kiln was assessed as having moderate to high potential to support roosting bats for the same reasons as described in TN 19. Infrequently used barn owl roost located under arch of lime kiln, with droppings and 15 pellets recorded. Roost had not been recently used during April 2007. |
21 |
NT.41568.62150 |
Old stone bridge over Salters’ Burn with potential for bats. Bridge was assessed as having low potential to support roosting bats as although potential access points present, most lie below obvious high water mark. Otter spraint on rock under bridge, probably one week old, and evidence of older spraints. A lot of rat footprints and a mink print. |
22 |
NT.4162.6214 |
Trees and lime kiln of potentially medium-high value for bats near to Marldene. |
23 |
NT.4149.6212 |
Hole in Salters’ Burn west bank to the south of the A68, too small for otter, likely to be mink. |
24 |
NT.4146.6202 |
Over-mature ash tree with medium-high potential for bats due to dead limbs and stag ends. |
25 |
NT.4114.6237 |
Over-mature sycamore and lime of medium-high potential for bats. |
26 |
NT.428.610 |
Otter spraint and prints on the Cakemuir Burn near to, and north of, Fala Tunnel. |
27 |
NT.427.613 |
Hole in the process of being dug, too small at the time to be otter but may become a holt, on the Cakemuir Burn upstream of Fala Dam. |
28 |
NT.420.619 |
Old ash and sycamore near to Haugh Head House, of potential for bats. |
29 |
NT.424.622 |
Lapwing seen in fields. |
30 |
NT.413.618 |
Potential water vole habitat along the Salters’ Burn to the south of the A68. |
31 |
NT.43229.61722 |
Potential kingfisher habitat on the Fala Dam Burn |
32 |
NT.41578.62136 |
Remains of old otter spraint on boulder under bridge. |
33 |
NT.42080.61651 |
Irregular-shaped hole (previously recorded as a possible holt in 2004 — see TN 8) at edge of concrete built wall that forms part of narrow culvert that carries land drain under A68. The entrance to the hole is ca. 25 cm wide and ca. 20 cm high. Dry, rather compacted soil with a small amount of leaf litter is present at the entrance to the hole. The hole extends approx. horizontally into the bank. There are no indications present of recent otter activity (or of other mammal species). The hole was partially covered by a new spider web. |
34 |
NT.42849.61159 |
Two moderately fresh otter spraints deposited close to top of boulder in river channel. Large, complete spraint (S1) and partially remains of spraint (S2). Eight partial remains of old otter spraints on large boulder at bank of river. |
35 |
NT.42853.61121 |
Moderately fresh, large otter spraint (S10) on boulder in channel. Partial remains of old spraints (S11 and S12) also present on boulder. Black, tarry, localised staining present indicating past presence of spraints on boulder. |
36 |
NT.42872.61084 |
Partial remains of five old otter spraints on boulder in centre of river channel. |
37 |
NT.42834.61072 |
Moderately fresh otter spraint on boulder close to centre of channel. |
38 |
NT.42877.60968 |
Partial remains of old otter spraint on small boulder within Fala Tunnel. Moderately fresh mink spraint (narrow and partially twisted with pointed ends) on small boulder within Fala Tunnel. Partial remains of two moderately fresh otter spraints on small boulder within Fala Tunnel. Large moderately fresh otter spraint (S23) and partial remain of three moderately fresh spraints (S24-S25) on small boulder within Fala Tunnel. Partial remains of three moderately fresh otter spraints on small boulder within Fala Tunnel. |
39 |
NT.42805.60901 |
Partial remains of old otter spraint on boulder in river channel. |
40 |
NT.42787.60911 |
Partial remains of old otter spraint on boulder in river channel. |
41 |
NT.42781.60877 |
Moderately well preserved otter footprints (three in total) in course sand bar forming north bank of river. One fresh otter spraint (S31), one moderately fresh spraint (S32) and one partial remains of old spraint on boulder in river channel. |
42 |
NT.42750.60862 |
Three large, moderately fresh, otter spraints (S34-S36) on large boulder close to north bank of river. Also partial remains of four spraints on boulder (S37-S40). Partial remains of four old spraints on boulder in channel of river. |
43 |
NT.42741.60833 |
Active holt with entrance dug into alluvium-composed undercut riverbank by area of open river bank with no riparian woodland. Burrow entrance is ca. 25cm in diameter and round in shape. Entrance is ca. 0.6m above the water level of the river (which was low at the time of the survey). Moderately fresh otter spraint (S45) present at the entrance to the holt. Entrance is quite well worn by regular movement of otters with short section of slope below entrance (ca. 45° slope) leading down to river. |
44 |
NT.41245.62405 |
Dead barn owl on field margin of freshly ploughed field, directly to west of young mixed plantation linking Magazine Wood and Marl Law Wood. |
Species List
Flora |
Fauna |
Common Name |
Scientific Name |
Common Name |
Scientific Name |
Sycamore |
Acer pseudoplatanus |
Skylark |
Alauda arvensis |
Beech |
Fagus sylvatica |
Kingfisher |
Alcedo atthis |
Ash |
Fraxinus excelsior |
Red-legged Partridge |
Alectoris rufa |
Larch |
Larix decidua |
Pink-footed Goose |
Anser brachyrhynchus |
Norway Spruce |
Picea abies |
Common Buzzard |
Buteo buteo |
Sitka Spruce |
Picea sitchensis |
Yellowhammer |
Emberiza citronella |
Scots Pine |
Pinus sylvestris |
Chaffinch |
Fringilla coelebs |
Native Oak Species |
Quercus sp. |
Pheasant |
Phasianus colchicus |
Wych Elm |
Ulmus glabra |
Woodpecker |
Picidae |
Silver Birch |
Betula pubescens |
Fieldfare |
Turdus pilaris |
Crab Apple |
Malus sylvestris |
Barn Owl |
Tyto alba |
Willow |
Salix sp. |
Lapwing |
Vanellus vanellus |
Rowan |
Sorbus aucuparia |
Horse Chestnut |
Aesculus hippocastanum |
Otter |
Lutra lutra |
Alder |
Alnus glutinosa |
Roe Deer |
Capreolus capreolus |
Brown Hare |
Lepus europaeus |
Lawson Cypress |
Chamaecyparis lawsoniana |
Badger |
Meles meles |
Hazel |
Corylus avellana |
Field Vole |
Microtus agrestris |
Cotoneaster |
Cotoneaster sp. |
Stoat |
Mustela erminea |
Hawthorn |
Crataegus monogyna |
Rabbit |
Oryctolagus cuniculus |
Juniper |
Juniperus communis |
Brown Rat |
Rattus norvegicus |
Blackthorn |
Prunus spinosa |
Fox |
Vulpes vulpes |
Rhododendron |
Rhododendron ponticum |
American Mink |
Mustela vison |
Dog Rose |
Rosa canina agg. |
Daubentons’ bat |
Myotis daubentonii |
Bramble |
Rubus fructicosus agg. |
Natterers’ bat |
Myotis nattereri |
Raspberry |
Rubus idaeus |
Brown Long-eared |
Plecotus auritus |
Elder |
Sambucus nigra |
Whiskered bat |
Myotis mystacinus |
Snowberry |
Symphoricarpos albus |
Pipistrelle species |
Pipistrellus sp. |
Gorse |
Ulex europaeus |
Red squirrel |
Sciurus vulgaris |
Ivy |
Hedera helix |
Salmonid species |
Salmonidae |
Brown Trout |
Salmo trutta |
Tufted Hair-grass |
Deschampsia cespitosa |
Floating Sweet-grass |
Glyceria fluitans |
Great Crested Newt |
Triturus cristatus |
Yorkshire Fog |
Holcus lanatus |
Slow worm |
Anguis fragilis |
Perennial Rye-grass |
Lolium perenne |
Adder |
Vipera berus |
Sedge species |
Carex sp. |
Soft-rush |
Juncus effusus |
Jointed Rush |
Juncus articulatus |
Moschatel |
Adoxa moschatellina |
Ground-elder |
Aegopodium podagraria |
Garlic Mustard |
Alliaria petiolata |
Ramsons |
Allium ursinum |
Wood Anemone |
Anemone nemorosa |
Cow Parsley |
Anthriscus sylvestris |
Burdock species |
Arctium lappa |
Daisy |
Bellis perennis |
Moss Species |
Brachyecium rutabulum |
Marsh Marigold |
Caltha palustris |
Bittercress Species |
Cardamine sp. |
Black Knapweed |
Centaurea nigra |
Rosebay Willowherb |
Chamerion angustifolium |
Opposite-leaved Golden-saxifrage |
Chrysosplenium oppositifolium |
Crosswort |
Cruciata laevipes |
Foxglove |
Digitalis purpurea |
Scaly Male-fern |
Dryopteris affinis |
Broad Buckler-fern |
Dryopteris dilatata |
Male Fern |
Dryopteris filix-mas |
Viper's-bugloss |
Echium vulgare |
Great Willowherb |
Epilobium hirsutm |
Willowherb Species |
Epilobium sp. |
Water Horsetail |
Equisetum fluviatile |
Japanese Knotweed |
Fallopia japonica |
Meadowsweet |
Filipendula ulmaria |
Snowdrop |
Galanthus nivalis |
Cleavers |
Galium aparine |
Herb Robert |
Geranium robertianum |
Water Avens |
Geum rivale |
Wood Avens |
Geum urbanum |
Ground Ivy |
Glechoma hederacea |
Hogweed |
Heracleum sphondylium |
Spanish Bluebell |
Hyacinthoides hispanica |
Tutsan |
Hypericum androsaemum |
Ivy-leaved Toadflax |
Linaria cymbalaria |
Water Forget-me-not |
Myosotis scorpioides |
Daffodil Species |
Narcissus sp. |
Wood-sorrel |
Oxalis acetosella |
Hart's-tongue Fern |
Phyllitis scolependrium |
Moss Species |
Plagiomnium undulatum |
Barren Strawberry |
Potentilla sterilis |
Cowslip |
Primula veris |
Primrose |
Primula vulgaris |
Bracken |
Pteridium aquilinum |
Lesser Celandine |
Ranunculus ficaria |
Creeping Buttercup |
Ranunculus repens |
Moss Species |
Rhytidiadelphus triquetrus |
Wood Dock |
Rumex sanguineus |
Red Campion |
Silene dioica |
Common Comfrey |
Symphytum officinale |
Moss Species |
Thuidium tamariscinum |
White Clover |
Trifolium repens |
Common Nettle |
Urtica dioica |
Common Valerian |
Valeriana officinalis |
Germander Speedwell |
Veronica chamaedrys |
Tufted Vetch |
Vicia cracca |
Common Dog-violet |
Viola riviniana |